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It was real bad. Millions of people were killed. Scientists reckon that that hurricane was one of the most violent hurricanes in all of New Orleans.

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The impact of Hurricane Katrina in Florida was relatively minimal compared to Louisiana. Some areas experienced heavy rainfall and flooding, causing power outages and localized damage. However, the most devastating effects were felt in Louisiana, particularly in New Orleans, due to levee breaches and catastrophic flooding.

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Q: How bad was the New Orelens hurricane in Florida?
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The bad thing that happened in New Orleans on August 29, 2005 was the devastation of hurricane Katrina. It was considered a Category 3 hurricane.

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Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of Louisiana and Mississippi and also caused significant damage in Florida. Some damage continued northward, though it was not as bad. Tornadoes touched down as far north as Pennsylvania.

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New Orleans in Louisiana was hit by hurricane Katrina in 2005, causing widespread devastation and loss of life.

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