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They are alike because they both have a cell. The only difference is that multicellular organisms have more than one cell.

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Q: How are unicellular and multicellular organisms alike and how are they different?
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Which sentence describes a way that multicellular and unicellular organisms are ALIKE?

Both multicellular and unicellular organisms undergo cellular processes like growth and reproduction in order to survive.

How are unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms alike and different?

They both have the basic unit of life, the cell. Bacteria and amoeba are examples. They are different because multicellular organisms are bigger because of the number of cells they have. They also have cells that are similar in size and shape that work together as tissues and tissues that form organs and organ systems.

How are unicellular organisms and multicelllular organisms alike?

Cells do the same, or very similar things, whether they are part of a unicellular organism or a multicellular organism; they have a metabolism, they consume nutrients and oxygen, they have waste products, etc.

What is the similarity between a multicellular and unicellular organism?

Unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms both contain the characteristics of life. Furthermore, both unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms follow the same genetic code and even contain the same organelles.

How are unicellular and multicellular alike and different?

They both have the basic unit of life, the cell. Bacteria and amoeba are examples. They are different because multicellular organisms are bigger because of the number of cells they have. They also have cells that are similar in size and shape that work together as tissues and tissues that form organs and organ systems.

How are unicellular creatures and multicellular creatures alike?

Both unicellular and multicellular creatures are living organisms. They both carry out functions such as reproduction, growth, and response to stimuli. Additionally, they both have specific structures and processes that enable them to survive and thrive in their environments.

In what way are fungi and plants alike?

they are both unicellular.

How are simple and complex organisms alike?

Simple and complex organisms are both living beings that exhibit characteristics of life, such as growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli. They both have basic structures and functions that allow them to survive and thrive in their environments. Additionally, simple and complex organisms are composed of cells as their basic structural unit.

How are protists and monerans alike?

Protists and monerans are both types of single-celled organisms. They both lack complex structures such as tissues and organs found in multicellular organisms. Additionally, they can both be found in a wide range of environments, from aquatic to terrestrial habitats.

How are different kinds of single-celled organisms alike?

Both of these have the Ability to reproduce only due to their Dna.

What do vascular and nonvascular plants have ALIKE?

Both vascular and nonvascular plants are multicellular, photosynthetic organisms that rely on water and sunlight to survive. They both reproduce through spores or seeds and play vital roles in ecosystems by contributing to oxygen production and carbon cycling.

Why are some protists more closely related to other kingdoms than to members of their own kingdom?

Because they are more different than they are alike.