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Non identical twins are formed when the mother releases two eggs and both those eggs are fertilised. hope this helps :)

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7mo ago

Non-identical (fraternal) twins are born when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. This results in siblings with different genetic makeups and physical characteristics. Non-identical twins can be the same sex or different sexes.

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What are the three types of twins?

There is Identical twins, Nonidentical twins and Conjoined twins.

What is another name for nonidentical twins?


Do most pregnancies start out as twins?

No, most pregnancies do not start out as twins. When the ovaries release two eggs and both are fertilized then will twins be born (fraternal/nonidentical twins). Or a fertilized egg may divide before implantation resulting in identical twins.

How many pairs of twins your there in the world?

10 million identical and 115 nonidentical.

What is the Differences between identical and nonidentical twins?

Identical twins are born together, and look exactly alike.Nonidentical twins are born together, but do not look exactly alike.A good example of non identical would be boy and girl twins,

How do you get nonidentical twins?

Non-identical twins happen when two eggs are fertilized at the same time. This happens when the mother ovulates twice, so she has two separate eggs that can be fertilized and develop into fetuses.

What are nonidentical twins?

Non-identical twins occur when the mother ovulates and two separate eggs are released and fertilised. This is different to identical twins, they occur when one original egg splits n two and develops in tandem. then yo have sex

Is there a word for twins who don't look alike?

Yes, non-identical twins are often referred to as fraternal twins. These twins develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells, resulting in genetic differences that can make them look less alike than identical twins.

What year was Cleopatra's twins born?

It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.It is said the twins were born in 40 BC.

How twin develop?

Fraternal twins (or nonidentical twins) develop when two separate sperm fertilize two separate eggs. This creates two genetically different (dizygotic) embryos. In this case, the only thing the babies will be sharing (for now) is your uterus (give them some credit — it’s not that big!).

Could nonidentical twins have different fathers?

Yes. If a woman has been sexually active with more than one person in a short period of time, there is a less than a one percent chance that a mother will have fraternal twins by two different fathers.

When was The Armstrong Twins born?

The Armstrong Twins was born in 1930.