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Q: How are transformants and non transformants differentiated?
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What is the difference between recombination and transformation?

Recombinants take up the plasmid but do not incorporate it into the DNA. Transformants take up the plasmid and integrate it into the DNA. Recombinants wouldn't express the new genes while Transformants will.

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Carotenoids are a class of hydrocarbons..which are differentiated into two categories -Oxygen containing and non oxygen containing compounds.Carotene comes under non oxygenated compounds.

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Being partially differentiated, or not terminally differentiated.

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Metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma is carcinoma that has spread to non-adjacent parts of the body and is identifiable, but too irregular to be further classified. Around 10% of these cases get later classified as other cancers like melanoma and lymphoma.

What is the meaning of Moderately differentiated?

Moderately differentiated refers to a term used to describe cancer cells that are somewhat abnormal in appearance compared to normal cells. This typically indicates that the cancer cells are somewhat more aggressive in nature compared to well-differentiated cells, but less aggressive than poorly differentiated cells.

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What is the medical term for graded to be moderately differentiated and enclosed in a sheath of tissue?

encapsulatedGrowth enclosed in a sheath of tissue that prevents tumor cells from invading surrounding tissue.GII(tumor grade classification) the cells are moderately differentiated.

Somatoplasm and germplasm are not differentiated in protozoans?

That is correct. Protozoans do not have distinct somatic and germinal cell lines like multicellular organisms. Instead, they typically have a single cell that performs all necessary functions for the organism.

Describe how sounds of different frequency pitch are differentiated in the cochlea?

Pitches are differentiated by the length and tension of the basilar membrane fibers.

What does it mean when cells become differentiated?

When a cell becomes differentiated it has gone through dysplasia and metaplasia to another cell type.

How can a state be differentiated from society?

it cant