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The solar constant and peak sun values both describe the amount of solar energy received at a specific location. The solar constant refers to the average amount of solar radiation received at the outer edge of Earth's atmosphere, while peak sun values represent the maximum amount of solar radiation received at the Earth's surface on a clear, sunny day. Both values are measured in watts per square meter.

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Q: How are the solar constant and peak sun values similar and how are they different?
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What is values of solar constant?

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Why all bodies of solar system similar?

The planets or other cosmic objects are very different, not similar.

Does solar constant affect temperature?

Yes, the solar constant affects temperature by determining the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's atmosphere. A higher solar constant can lead to an increase in temperature, while a lower solar constant can result in cooler temperatures.

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Because the weather is always different. Because the weather is always different.

Is solar constant actually a constant?

its fairly constant,increasing only 0.2% at the peak of each 11 year solar cycle.

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The formula for solar constant is: Solar Constant = Total solar irradiance at the top of Earth's atmosphere / Earth's surface area. In simpler terms, it is the amount of solar radiation received per unit area at the top of the Earth's atmosphere.

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M. Alan Gibson has written: 'Solar constant (SOLCON) experiment' -- subject(s): Solar constant, Aerospace telemetry

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