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The Bohr model suggests that electrons orbit the nucleus in circles and that these circles are all in a single plane.

  • The electron clouds are three-dimensional, not planar.
  • Some of the electron clouds are spherical, some are of other shapes; they are of different shapes (not all circular).
  • The positions of electrons are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
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Q: How are the orbitals in the electron cloud model different from the electron paths illustrated in the Bohr model?
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The electron cloud is divided into what?

The electron cloud is divided into s, p, d, and f orbitals. These orbitals also occur at different principle energy levels.

What are the different areas of an electron cloud called?

The different areas of an electron cloud are called electron orbitals. These orbitals define the regions in an atom where electrons are most likely to be found. They are categorized by different shapes and energies based on quantum mechanics.

What are regions of space outside the nucleus where electrons travel?

Electron cloud or also called electron orbitals.

How many electrons are in the electron cloud in the element germanium?

Germanium has a total of 32 electrons in different orbitals.

The region of space where electrons of a certain energy move about the nucleus of an atom?

The region of space where electrons of a certain energy move about the nucleus of an atom is called an electron orbital. Electron orbitals are regions where there is a high probability of finding an electron based on its energy level. Different electron orbitals have different shapes and orientations.

How are electrons arranged in an electron cloud?

Electrons are arranged in an electron cloud around the nucleus of an atom, occupying different energy levels or orbitals. These orbitals can hold a specific number of electrons based on their shape and orientation. The arrangement of electrons in the electron cloud is governed by quantum mechanics and the Pauli exclusion principle.

What is the name of the area in an electron cloud where electrons are found?

the orbitals

What is 2s 2p in atom?

2s and 2p are orbital designations in an atom that represent different energy levels and shapes of the electron cloud around the nucleus. The 2s orbital is spherical in shape, while the 2p orbitals are dumbbell-shaped. These orbitals are part of the electron configuration of an atom, indicating where electrons are likely to be found in the atom's electron cloud.

What is a region around the nucleus in which electrons move about?

Electrons surround the nucleus of an atom in patterns called electron shells.

Electrons are organized in a series of what around the nucleus of an atom?

Electron shells, orbitals, and sub-orbitals.

What is the region around the nucleus where electrons are found?

The region around the nucleus where electrons are found is called the electron cloud or electron orbital. Electrons move within this space in a probabilistic manner, indicating their most likely location rather than a fixed path. The electron cloud represents the volume in which an electron is most likely to be located at any given time.

What is a example of a electron cloud?

orbital is a region of space around the nucleus where an electron is likely to be found. ... The electron cloud is a visual model that represents all the orbitals in an atom.