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Q: How are the areas of the dust bowl doing today?
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What folk singer sang out of the dust bowl?

Woody Guthere sung about the dust bowl. His son Arlo sings today.

How tall does a dust bowl get?

the dust bowl sand was at different hights at different points.Also the sand was no able to be measured in some areas of the land.

What term is used to refer to areas of the great plains that became extremely dry because of drought and in which dust storms were common?

The term used to refer to these areas is the Dust Bowl. It was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the agriculture and ecology of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s.

How bad did the dust bowl get?

The worst dust bowl occurred in the period between 1930 until 1936, however in some areas lasted until 1940.

What and where was the the dust bowl?

The Dust Bowl, or the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands from 1930 to 1936 (in some areas until 1940).

When did the dust bowl become significant?

The dust bowl became significant when it started having an effect on the agriculture and economy. The dust storms started in 1930 and were over in many areas in 1936. In some places they continued to 1940.

Where did the dust bowl?

The Dust Bowl, or the Dirty Thirties, was a period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian prairie lands from 1930 to 1936 (in some areas until 1940).

How did the dust bowl conditions in great plains affect the entire country?

Nationwide effects of the Dust Bowl: migrants left effected areas to move elsewhere, decreased grain production.

how do i dust a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl

Who did the Dust Bowl affect the most?

it affected the people whodidn't have alot of money or a home .

What was the result of the problemes plaguing the agricultural sector in the 1920?

the depression in the rural areas and the dust bowl

What was the result of the problems plaguing the agricultural sector in the 1920?

the depression in the rural areas and the dust bowl