they are different because seeds are reproductive unit of flowering and spores are the non-reproductive unit of flowering.
Spores are single-celled reproductive structures produced by fungi or some plants, while seeds are complex reproductive structures produced by seed plants. Spores are smaller and simpler than seeds, designed for dispersal in harsh conditions, while seeds contain an embryo and store nutrients for the developing plant.
Seeds are typically larger than spores because seeds contain nutrients to support the growth of a new plant, while spores are smaller and designed for dispersal over long distances. Seeds are essentially plant embryos, enclosed in protective coats, while spores are single cells that can develop into a new organism under suitable conditions.
Alike:They can grown into plants and can be different size and shpes. Different: A seed has many cells. A spores has one cell.
Mosses reproduce by spores.
seeds or tubers
Spores are single-celled reproductive structures produced by certain organisms like fungi, whereas seeds are multicellular structures produced by plants. Spores are smaller and more lightweight than seeds, and are often capable of surviving in adverse conditions for long periods of time. Additionally, spores do not contain an embryo like seeds do.
spores are not seeds and seeds are not spores
spores are not seeds and seeds are not spores
spores are not seeds and seeds are not spores
spores are not seeds and seeds are not spores
No. For instance when you eat a mushroom you eat some spores and when you eat bread this is made from seeds. However there are many different spores and seeds and not all are edible.
in my bumhole
Seeds and spores are both reproductive structures that help plants reproduce. However, seeds are produced by flowering plants and contain an embryo and nutrients for the developing plant, while spores are produced by non-flowering plants like ferns and mosses and are single cells that can grow into a new organism. Seeds are typically larger and more complex than spores.
Seeds are typically larger than spores because seeds contain nutrients to support the growth of a new plant, while spores are smaller and designed for dispersal over long distances. Seeds are essentially plant embryos, enclosed in protective coats, while spores are single cells that can develop into a new organism under suitable conditions.
Cones develop spores and ovules and fertilized ovules develop into seeds.
Alike:They can grown into plants and can be different size and shpes. Different: A seed has many cells. A spores has one cell.