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Q: How are specific heat And heat alike?
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How are heat and electric energy are alike?

there not

How are heat and thermal heat alike?

Thermal means heat, so they are the same thing

Why specific heat is large specific volume?

Specific heat has nothing to do with specific volume.

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Specific heat of sinter

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How is conduction and convection alike?

because they bothhave heat transer

What factor most influence the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a substance?

specific heat capacity

How does the specific heat affect the cooling and heating of materials?

The specific heat of a material determines how much heat energy is needed to change its temperature. Materials with high specific heat require more energy to heat up or cool down compared to materials with low specific heat. This means materials with high specific heat will heat and cool more slowly than those with low specific heat.

What has higher specific heat water or lead?

Water has much higher specific heat than lead. All metals have fairly low specific heat values.

How are heat and thermal energy alike and different?

i do not now because you do not answere it

Which metal has the highest specific heat capacity?

No. Metals have a relatively low specific heat.

When the same quantity of heat is added per unit as does a substance having a lower specific heat warm more or less than a substance having a higher specific heat?

A substance with a lower specific heat will warm more than a substance with a higher specific heat when the same quantity of heat is added. This is because substances with lower specific heat require less energy to increase their temperature compared to substances with higher specific heat.