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Q: How are some types of bacteria harmful to plant?
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Is there any reason bacteria is good for you?

some types of bacteria can be good for you because they can disinfect germsothers are harmful and make you get sick

Bacteria greatly out number harmful bacteria?

Yes. Most bacteria is not harmful to us such as bacteria in a yogurt, but some bacteria is harmful.

What are some examples of plant bacteria?

Some examples of plant bacteria include Rhizobium, which forms nodules on plant roots and fixes nitrogen for the plant, Agrobacterium, which can transfer genes into plants causing crown gall disease, and Pseudomonas syringae, which can cause diseases in a variety of plant species.

What organisms are bacteria harmful to?

There are harmful to all organisms, but some bacteria are helpful in many ways.

Are microbes harmful?

All Microbes are not harmful. All virus are harmful. Some bacteria are harmful

What are some harmful and helpful bacteria?

Harmful bacteria will harm you. Helpful bacteria will help you.

How does bacteria affect human health?

Some bacteria are beneficial to humans, and some bacteria are harmful to humans.

Is a flagella cell in a plant cell?

No, flagella are found in some types of cells such as bacteria, sperm cells, and some single-celled organisms. Plant cells do not typically have flagella.

Why is bacteria not harmful to people?

it can be harmful but we have antibiotics so they aren't as harmful as some viruses.

Is bacteria harmful and helpful?

Yes, bacteria can be both harmful and helpful. Harmful bacteria can cause infections and disease in humans and other organisms. On the other hand, some bacteria are beneficial and play important roles in processes such as food fermentation, nitrogen fixation, and maintaining a healthy microbiome in our bodies.

What are some harmful microorganisms?

Bacteria or mold

All bacteria are harmful.?

No, not all bacteria are harmful Infact some our good, like the ones in our gut that help us digest food. We should first understand what is bacteria and the common types of bacteria and how they grow in the