

How are ores and gems alike?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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10y ago

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Gems are rare valuable minerals that can be cut and polished. Ores contain enough metal that can be mined and sold.

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9y ago

Ore is a natural solid material through which valuable minerals and metals can be derived, whereas, gem is a fine and semiprecious stone when graved and polished.

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14y ago

I don't know much, all I know is gems are rarely found and cna be polished.

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Carter, Since he'a an archiologist, He likes Ores & Gems!! The best way to make money is to sell Gems & Ore.. :)

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First you go to Perion and find the two item makers. Talk to the item maker on the right. Give him ten ores, and he'll make the ores into a gem or a plate, depending on the kind of ore.

Is it true that heart shiny crystals used in jewelry are called ores?

No, heart-shaped shiny crystals used in jewelry are not called ores. Ores are natural mineral deposits that contain valuable elements or metals that can be extracted and processed for various uses. Crystals used in jewelry are typically cut and polished gemstones that are prized for their beauty and clarity.

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Both were created under extreme heat and can contain crystals or gems.

What are gems in mine craft used for?

First of all, there are no gems in minecraft. There are ores. As you get more experienced, you will learn other uses of ore. Iron, gold, and diamond tools can be built. However, you cannot build anything with emeralds, except emerald blocks. Visit minecraft wiki(website) for more information.

Is a mineral a gem or an ore?

Either, or both. Minerals are usually considered gems if they are valuable, attractive and highly pure. Minerals are considered ores if they are used to extract a substance. For example, pure haematite is polished and sold as a gem, while crude haematite is used to extract iron.

Where do you find zinc most common in underground or open cut mines?

Zinc is commonly found in underground mines rather than open cut mines. This is because zinc deposits are often found deeper underground, requiring tunneling to access the ore bodies. Additionally, underground mining methods are typically more cost-effective for extracting zinc compared to open-cut mining.

What are the three types of mining?

Strip mines,Openpit mines & shaft mines

What are expensive minerals called?

Generally that would be a description of precious or semi-precious gems. Some ores containing precious metals may still be considered minerals and be expensive. In that case you would refer to them as "precious metal ore".