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names and formulae how are they reconised

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Q: How are mixtures recognised by their names and formulas?
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What are the names of mixtures in chemistry?


Why don't mixture have chemical formulas?

Mixtures do not have chemical formulas because they are not chemical bonded. Mixtures can be physically separated like a bag of different colored marbles.

How are elements recognised by their names and formulas?

Elements are recognised by their state or process theese names come from greek gods and old traditions like H20 look at the first letter is it a capital it would be 2 parts like if it would be a non-metal I will help what are you looking for (Dr T.R at loother science lab)

How do you identify the difference between elements mixtures and compounds from their names and formulas?

Elements consist of only one type of atom and are represented by a single capital letter in their symbols. Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances that are physically combined and can be separated by physical means. Compounds are substances made up of two or more elements chemically combined in fixed ratios and are represented by chemical formulas with more than one type of atom present.

Why cant mixtures be represented by formulas?

Mixtures are composed of two or more different substances physically combined, so they do not have a fixed chemical composition like compounds. As a result, mixtures cannot be represented by chemical formulas which typically describe the specific ratio of elements in a compound.

What are 2 names of mixtures?

two mixtures are hot chocolate and juice or vinegar and lemonade.

Why can mixtures be represented by formulas?

because the formula dirrecly shows what the mixture is composed of.

What is the Detergent molecular formula?

There is no formula. There are different types of detergent with different compositions. Even then most, if not all detergents are mixtures, and mixtures do not have chemical formulas.

How are mixtures rocognised from their names and formulae?

thry do not it is a trick question

What is the chemical name of bajji powder?

Mixtures do not have chemical names. In fact the individual ingredients in the powder are themselves complex mixtures.

Is summer sausage an compound mixture or element?

Summer sausage is a mixture of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures of mixtures, etc. wrapped in a mixture.

How did the gods get their names in ancient Egyp?

They got their names by what their powers of strengths,etc were and enterpreting them into their language so it would be recognised by their people.