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Q: How are march and September equinoxes similar?
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What day will the Sun rise exactly in the east and set exactly in the west?

The equinoxes (approximately 21 March & 21 Sept).

Where do you find the day and night equal?

At the two equinoxes (about 22 September and 20 March).

The rays from the Sun are falling directly on the equator The date must be?

March 21st or September 23rd. On these two dates, the Sun is directly over the equator during the equinoxes, resulting in nearly equal lengths of day and night worldwide.

How often does does the sun shine directly overhead at the equator?

At the times of the equinoxes ... a moment on March 21 and another one around September 22.

When on a equator day will the overhead the earth at midday?

If you are at the equator, the SUN will be directly overhead during the equinoxes - around 21 March, and 23 September.