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An animal life cycle is basically the stages an animal goes through during its life span.

For example, the time that it is born, then its various stages until it eventually dies such as an infant, adolescent and adult.

We can use a dog's life cycle as an example.

The dog's life cycle is divided into four stages, puppy, adolescent, adult, and senior.

A detailed life cycle example:

A puppy gestates for about nine weeks before it is born. Depending on the breed, it will remain in the puppy stage for six to eighteen months.

As the dog leaves the puppy stage, they will become an adolescent. This is when their hormones start kicking in and growth becomes very noticeable. They will act a little crazy, like a teenager. This is a good time to reinforce training, as it will start clicking. They will have a very high amount of energy during this time. The adolescent stage will last until the are one to three years of age, again depending on the breed. Sometime during this stage, they will gain the ability to reproduce. If they are not intended for breeding, this is a good time to get them fixed.

After the adolescent stage, the dog is an adult. If they have not been fixed, they will be fully capable of reproducing. They should be able to grasp more advanced training. The dog's personality should start to mellow out some. They will still have a good amount of energy, but not as sporadic as the adolescent stage.

Somewhere between six to ten years, the dog will become a senior. Pregnancies will be harder on female dogs, and aren't advised. Energy levels will lessen, as well as the amount they may want to eat.

The average lifespan of a dog is 12 years.

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10y ago
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3mo ago

The life cycle of animals typically involves birth, growth, reproduction, and death. During their life cycle, animals may undergo stages such as infancy, youth, adulthood, and old age. Each stage serves a specific purpose in the survival and continuation of the species.

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13y ago
  1. Grows in mother's womb for about two months
  2. Born
  3. Is a puppy
  4. Grows up
  5. Finds a mate
  6. Breeds
  7. Then her puppies...... start the cycle over again
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14y ago

Well the first of all the mother frog mates a male frog.

Then the mother frog has baby tadpole eggs.

After that the tadpoles start to develop and then hatch and are free to swim with there brothers and sisters.

Next they start to develop front legs.

When the front legs have fully grown the back legs will start to form.

Then the tail starts to shrink and it becomes a bit stubby.

Finally there's no tail left and the legs have grown it has now turned into a ... can you guess that's right a FROG!!

Unfortunately after the eggs are born the parents shortly die but then the new life starts for the tadpoles!

Here the life cycle is again in a much smaller version.








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13y ago

It is the stages of how living things develop.

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10y ago

Depending on the type of animal, the life cycle will vary somewhat. However, almost all experience birth, maturation, mating, parenting, and finally death.

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12y ago

Life cycles of higher animals are alike, as they are diploid and reproduce sexually ,but there are different types of life cycles in lower animals .

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14y ago

Puppy. Medium, Medium big, big.

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12y ago

Compar typical animal to typical plant

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12y ago

i dont no. u tell me.

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