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During DNA replication, hydrogen bonds between base pairs are broken by an enzyme called DNA helicase. This enzyme unwinds the double helix structure of DNA, separating the two strands. This allows for new complementary nucleotides to be added during the replication process.

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Q: How are hydrogen bonds separated when DNA copies itself?
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Two strands of a DNA molecule are held together by what?

Two strands of a DNA molecule are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs. The four bases in DNA (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) pair up in specific combinations: A with T and C with G.

Can water form hydrogen bonds form with itself?

Yes, water can form hydrogen bonds with itself. Each water molecule can form hydrogen bonds with up to four neighboring water molecules, resulting in a network of hydrogen-bonded water molecules, which gives water its unique properties like high surface tension and cohesion.

How is a DNA molecule held together and separated by?

A DNA molecule is held together by its hydrogen bonds. The bonds are in between the bases of the molecule, for example cytosine and guanine. Because hydrogen bonds are weak, they are able to break apart easily and split when the molecule needs to be separated to bond with another DNA molecule for reproduction.

What type of bond does H2O and NH3 have together?

H2O (water) has hydrogen bonds between its molecules. NH3 (ammonia) has hydrogen bonds between its molecules as well, in addition to covalent bonds within the molecule itself.

How many hydrogen bonds does Oxygen have?

Oxygen doesn't have any hydrogen bonds. A hydrogen bond is when a hydrogen atom is bonded with an electronegative atom, such as oxygen. Oxygen all by itself does not have hydrogen bonded to it. It is simply written as 02.

Is hydrogen gas organic?

No, hydrogen gas is not considered organic. Organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, but hydrogen gas itself does not contain carbon.

How many hydrogen bond can h2o2 form?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can form two hydrogen bonds. Each oxygen atom in the molecule can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, allowing for two potential hydrogen bonds to form with other molecules or within the H2O2 molecule itself.

What substance cannot be separated physically but can be separated chemically?

A compound, such as water (H2O), cannot be physically separated into its component elements (hydrogen and oxygen) but can be chemically separated through a chemical reaction, such as electrolysis, which breaks the bonds between the elements.

Can CH3COCH3 form a hydrogen bonds?

No, acetone (CH3COCH3) cannot form hydrogen bonds with itself because it does not contain any hydrogen atoms bonded directly to highly electronegative atoms such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine. Hydrogen bonds are formed between hydrogen atoms attached to these electronegative atoms and partially negatively charged atoms in other molecules.

What chemical groups are hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds?

A hydrogen acceptors for hydrogen bonds is nitrogen.

What is a result of intermolecular forces out of covalent bonds hydrogen bonds electronegativity double bonds?

One result of intermolecular forces is the attraction between molecules, which affects their physical properties such as boiling and melting points. This attraction can be due to hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, or dispersion forces. Electronegativity influences how atoms within a molecule interact, whereas double bonds involve the sharing of two pairs of electrons between atoms.

How many bonds could each make with hydrogen?

Carbon can make 4 bonds with hydrogen. Nitrogen can make 3 bonds with hydrogen. Oxygen can make 2 bonds with hydrogen.