In both fog and cloud, the dispersed phase is a liquid and the dispersion medium is air (gas). The only difference between them is that the fog is formed in the region close to earth while clouds are formed in the upper layer of the atmosphere.
Fog and clouds are both made of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air. The main difference is that clouds are formed higher in the atmosphere, while fog forms close to the ground. Both fog and clouds are formed when air cools and reaches its saturation point, causing the water vapor to condense into visible droplets.
Fog When the clouds suck up the water from seas, rivers, lakes. etc, they make the clouds heavy. If the clouds do not start raining, there will be fog. Definition: Fog is thick mist that is difficult to see through.
Yes, but they are clouds that are not high up in the sky. They are low clouds!
its known as fog
Clouds, fog or mist.
Cold air below warm air, no vertical air movement, stratus clouds and fog.
Fog and clouds in higher altitudes are alike in that they are both composed of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air. They both can reduce visibility and may be formed through similar processes, such as cooling of air or condensation of water vapor. Additionally, both fog and high-altitude clouds play a role in the Earth's water cycle and weather systems.
clouds fog is clouds and to be more specific the clouds are stratus clouds
no the stratus cloud is not fog because stratus clouds are flat layered clouds unlike fog which are thin clouds that covers earths surface.
Fog is are low lying clouds. You can still see clouds in daylight.
stratus clouds
Fog is just clouds that are really low.
Clouds and fog are related to precipitation because both of them are water vapor. Essentially fog is just a low ground cloud.
They are both clouds
Yes, clouds can be on the ground in the form of fog.
fog is closer to the ground