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Q: How are earthquakes formed by plate boundary?
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What does a transformational plate boundary form?

A transformational plate boundary forms earthquakes.

What plate boundary do earthquakes occur?

Earthquakes occur at all plate boundaries.

Are there earthquakes volcanoes hurricanes and tsunamis at he nazca plate boundary?

The plate boundary between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate does produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Hurricanes have nothing to do with plate boundaries.

Why type of plate boundary are most earthquakes near?

convergent boundary

What boundary formed when tectonics plate collide?

The boundary that is formed is called a Tranform Boundary

What does transform plates boundary form?

A transformational plate boundary forms earthquakes.

How is similar divergent plate boundary and transform plate boundary?

They are similar because they both form volcanoes and earthquakes.

What type of plate boundary is the Andes mountains?

The type of boundary that the Andes mountains are, in South America, is a convergent plate boundary. This was formed from the collision of the South American plate boundary and the Nazca plate.

What type of boundary is formed when plate separate?

Divergent boundary is formed

Was Mount Tambora formed by a convergent plate boundary or a divergent plate boundary?

Mount Tambora was formed by a convergent plate boundary. It is located on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, where the Australian Plate converges with the Sunda Plate, causing subduction and volcanic activity in the region.

What plate boundary is associated with earthquakes in Alaska?

The plate boundary associated with earthquakes in Alaska is primarily a transform boundary, where the Pacific Plate slides horizontally past the North American Plate along the Aleutian Trench. This movement causes frequent seismic activity in the region.

What is the plate boundary?

The worst plate boundary is the north american plate with the recorded worst for earthquakes