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Complete splenectomy.REMOVAL OF RUPTURED SPLEEN. When the spleen has been ruptured by trauma, the surgeon approaches the organ from its underside and fastens the splenic artery.

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Complete splenectomies for ruptured spleens are typically performed through surgery, where the damaged spleen is removed. The surgical procedure usually involves making an incision in the abdomen to access the spleen, followed by careful dissection and removal of the ruptured organ. Surgery is often the preferred treatment for a ruptured spleen to prevent further complications and control bleeding.

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Q: How are complete splenectomies performed on ruptured spleens?
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How are complete splenectomies performed on enlarged spleens?

Complete splenectomies on enlarged spleens are typically performed through open surgery or a laparoscopic approach. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen to access the spleen, disconnects its blood supply, and carefully removes it. The decision on the approach depends on the patient's condition and the size of the spleen.

Is it possible for a human female to have 4 spleens?

No, it is not possible for a human female or any human to have multiple spleens. The normal anatomy of humans includes only one spleen. Multiple spleens in humans are not a naturally occurring condition.

When comparing blood smears of patient with intact spleens and those of patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal what?

Blood smears of patients without spleens are likely to show Howell-Jolly bodies, which are nuclear remnants normally removed by the spleen. Additionally, there may be an increase in target cells and spherocytes due to altered red blood cell morphology. This can be a diagnostic indicator of asplenia.

How uncommon is it to have 3 spleens?

Having 3 spleens, a condition known as polysplenia, is extremely rare. It is a congenital abnormality where a person is born with extra spleens due to developmental issues in the womb. It is estimated to occur in less than 1 in 100,000 people.

Do animals have spleens?

Yes, most animals have spleens. The spleen is an organ that helps filter blood, produce and store red blood cells, and support the immune system in many vertebrate species.

Related questions

How are complete splenectomies performed on enlarged spleens?

Complete splenectomies on enlarged spleens are typically performed through open surgery or a laparoscopic approach. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen to access the spleen, disconnects its blood supply, and carefully removes it. The decision on the approach depends on the patient's condition and the size of the spleen.

What causes splenic trauma?

The most common cause of injury to the spleen is blunt abdominal trauma.often caused by a direct blow to the belly, car and motorcycle accidents. ruptured spleens may have been preceded by.infections.cancer.diseases of the spleen.

What is atrumatic rupture?

Atraumatic rupture refers to a situation where a structure or tissue breaks or tears without any external force or trauma applied. This can occur due to underlying medical conditions, degenerative changes, or weakness in the tissue. Atraumatic ruptures can happen in tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, or organs.

Do pigeons have a lobed liver?

Yes pigeons have spleens. All vertebrates have spleens except lampreys and hagfishes.

When comparing the blood smears of patients with intact spleens to those patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal?

One of the main functions of the spleen is to remove "old" platelets from the blood supply. This should mean that the blood smears from the patients without spleens would show far higher levels of platelets than would be seen in the samples from those with spleens.

Do animals have spleens?

Yes, most animals have spleens. The spleen is an organ that helps filter blood, produce and store red blood cells, and support the immune system in many vertebrate species.

Why do you have 2 spleens?

Having two spleens is a rare condition called polysplenia, which occurs during fetal development when the spleen fails to fuse correctly. While most people have one spleen, those with polysplenia usually lead normal lives and may not experience any symptoms or health issues as a result of having two spleens.

Can you have 2 spleens?

: I actually have 2 spleens. : its causing quite a bit of trouble with me trying to enlist in the air force >< : rawr i hate being 1 in a million

When comparing blood smears of patient with intact spleens and those of patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal what?

Blood smears of patients without spleens are likely to show Howell-Jolly bodies, which are nuclear remnants normally removed by the spleen. Additionally, there may be an increase in target cells and spherocytes due to altered red blood cell morphology. This can be a diagnostic indicator of asplenia.

How uncommon is it to have 3 spleens?

Having 3 spleens, a condition known as polysplenia, is extremely rare. It is a congenital abnormality where a person is born with extra spleens due to developmental issues in the womb. It is estimated to occur in less than 1 in 100,000 people.

Do frogs have spleens?

frog do have a spleen. it is located by the rectum and intestines.

Why do we have a spleen?

Splenectomy is the surgical removal of the spleen, which is an organ that is part of the lymphatic system. The spleen acts in the natural resistance to infection. Splenectomies are performed for a variety of different reasons and with different degrees of urgency. Most splenectomies are done after the patient has been diagnosed with hypersplenism. Hypersplenism is not a specific disease but a group of symptoms, or syndrome, that can be produced by a number of different disorders. It is characterized by enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly), defects in the blood cells, and an abnormally high turnover of blood cells. It is almost always associated with splenomegaly caused by specific disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver or certain cancers. The decision to perform a splenectomy depends on the severity and prognosis of the disease that is causing the hypersplenism. There was a time when the spleen was thought to be inessential to health (like the appendix). Now it is known that people without spleens have a greater risk of severe infection than people with normal spleens. Therefore, doctors try not to remove the spleen unless a splenectomy is either life-saving after injury, or very important in the treatment of a disease that involves the spleen.