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one is coller

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Kenny Donnelly

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2y ago
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7y ago

Alike: They're both clouds. Different: Cirrus clouds usually bring fair weather and are wispy, like a horsetail or a feather. Cumulonimbus clouds usually bring thunderstorms and are dark, large clouds.

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16y ago

cirrus clouds are up in the sky....and comulus clouds are low in the sky..

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9y ago

Compare: they are both clouds (find better response)

Contrast: cumulus clouds are around 1,500m and cirrus clouds are around 6,000m

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Q: How are cirrus clouds and cumulonimbus clouds are alike and different?
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Are neutrons in the atoms of different elements alike?

neutrons of all atoms are alike

Are nonmetal and noble gases alike?

No. they are different.

What is one way that atoms of different elements are different and one way that they are alike?

they are alike because they all have mass ther diffrent because there lines, and isotpes

how are plateaus alike and how are they different?

a plateu is high but flat a basin is low alike they are both surrounded by land btw your wlome if help

How were the plant leaf and animal blood alike and how were they different?

They store food

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How are cumulus clouds and cirrus clouds are alike?

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i think alike

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