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Characters are transmitted via gene

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Characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation through a combination of genetic information passed down from parents to offspring, as well as environmental factors and experiences that can influence how genes are expressed. This interplay between nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) shapes an individual's traits and behaviors.

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Q: How are character get transmitted from generation to generation?
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What is hereditary character?

Hereditary characters are traits or characteristics that are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. These traits can include physical attributes, such as eye color or height, as well as other traits like temperament or intelligence.

What are Cultural norms and values that are passed down from one generation to the next referred as?

They are referred to as cultural traditions or heritage. These are beliefs, behaviors, and customs that are transmitted from one generation to another within a society, providing a sense of identity and continuity.

Which kind of mutation has the greater potential to affect the evolution of a population a mutation to a body cell or a mutation in an egg cell?

Mutations that occur during gametogenesis (formation of egg and sperm) are called germ-line mutations. They are more significant than somatic mutations (which occur in body cells) because they can be transmitted to the next generation whereas somatic mutations are not transmitted to the next generation.

What stores and transmits hereditary information?

Hereditary information is stored in the DNA molecules found in the nucleus of cells. This information is transmitted from generation to generation through the process of reproduction, where parents pass on their genetic material to their offspring.

What is a set of beliefs passed down orally?

A set of beliefs passed down orally is called folklore or oral tradition. These narratives, customs, and traditions are transmitted through speech and storytelling from generation to generation, often reflecting the culture and values of a specific community or society.

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Mutations can be transmitted to the next generation if they occur in the germline cells (sperm and egg cells) that are involved in reproduction. Mutations that are present in somatic cells, which are not involved in reproduction, are not passed on to the next generation.

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Refers to the process by which the central values of the political culture are transmitted from one generation to another. Refers to the process by which the central values of the political culture are transmitted from one generation to another.

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If in sex cells, yes. In somatic cells, no. If too great of a mistake it will not be transmitted but will lead to apoptosis.

Can son have child by mother that shows fathers dna?

A father's DNA is present in his son as well as his grandchildren; DNA is transmitted from generation to generation.

Was the character Drift in Generation 1 Transformers?

Drift was not a part of the Generation 1 Transformers. Drift was a new character created for the IDW comics.

Can cytoplasmic mutation be transmitted from parents to their child?

only the hereditary character can be transmitted and it is found in nucleus not in cytoplasm so the cytoplasmic mutation can not be transmitted from parents to their child. hope u get the answer

What Girls Generation character do you like?

Jessica :)

What is folk law?

Do you mean "folklore" instead of "folk law"? Folklore is the collection of stories and beliefs in a culture that are generally transmitted orally and passed from generation to generation.

Heredity traits are transmitted from generation to generation by means of?

Heredity traits are transmitted from generation to generation by means of genes, which are segments of DNA located on chromosomes. Genes carry the instructions for specific traits and are passed down from parents to offspring through the process of reproduction. This transmission of genetic information is responsible for the similarities and differences observed among family members.

What is hereditary character?

Hereditary characters are traits or characteristics that are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. These traits can include physical attributes, such as eye color or height, as well as other traits like temperament or intelligence.

Are there any other transmitted diseases like aids?

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is not transmitted. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes someone to develop AIDS. HIV is transmitted by contact with body fluids; blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. Many diseases can be transmitted by the same body fluids including a variety of STD's and bloodborne illnesses like hepatitis.

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