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Q: How are cells in a plant have different shapes and different jobs?
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How do cells in plants have different shapes and jobs?

Cells in plants have different shapes and functions due to their specialized structures and organelles. For example, parenchyma cells are thin-walled and function in photosynthesis, while xylem cells are elongated and involved in transporting water. These specialized shapes and functions allow plant cells to perform various tasks necessary for growth, development, and survival in different parts of the plant.

Why do plant and animal cells have different organelles?

Plant and animal cells have different organelles because they have evolved to meet the specific needs of each type of organism. Plant cells have chloroplasts for photosynthesis and a cell wall for structure, which are not present in animal cells. Animal cells have lysosomes for digestion and centrioles for cell division, which are not typically found in plant cells.

Why are muscle nerve and nerve cells different shapes?

Muscle cells are elongated and cylindrical in shape to allow for contraction and movement. Nerve cells, or neurons, have a unique branched structure with dendrites and axons to transmit electrical signals over long distances in the body. These specialized shapes help muscle cells generate force and nerve cells transmit information efficiently.

Why are nerve cell and muscle cell different shapes?

Their different shapes help them to perform their various functions (jobs)

Why do you have different types of cells?

They do different jobs.

How does the shape of the nerve cell make it better at carrying its function?

We see, we hear, we move, we talk, we eat, etc. To help us do these different things, we have many different kinds of cells. So, our cells divide, grow, and change to have different shapes and sizes so that they can do special jobs.

What is it called when cells change to become different kinds of cells to do different jobs?

Cellular Differentiation

Explain how the cells in the leaves are adapted to their jobs?

they nake starch and produce energy for the plant.

How does the shape of cells found in stems help them perform their jobs?

It helps the plant live

Cells having different jobs in the organism?

Cell specialization.

Do cells help humans move?

Cells are what you are made of and each of the cells has a different jobs, so in a way yes they do.

Why does the plant cell have more organelles than the animal cell?

Plant cells need more organelles like chloroplasts for photosynthesis and large central vacuoles for storage of water and nutrients. Animal cells do not have these specialized structures, which is why plant cells tend to have more organelles.