In earlier days, the fissile material was packed much like Pizza, with the wedges/slices placed relatively far apart to avoid pre-detonation (that is, the reaction goes spontaneous long before you want it to, causing... undesirable... side effects). Just ringing the wedge is the high explosive, placed such that the energy of its explosion goes into the "pizza". Upon impact (for surface explosives, this means a trigger on the missile's nose, while for other types this would mean remote control), the explosives detonate simultaneously, compressing the wedges to critical mass, triggering the explosion. ###
Now, it should be said trhat I am not a nuclear technician, however i do a hell of a lot of reading and stuff in this sort of area, and my basic understanding of this is that there is a peice of nuclear material placed inside the bomb. around that are peices of c-4 or another form of explosive. these go off all at exactly the same time to compress the nuclear matter, which superheats the core causing a massive *pop* sound. hence to say, the pop is kinda loud.
..... atom splitting is dangerous, don try this @ your house.
Atomic bombs are set off through a process called nuclear fission, which involves splitting the nuclei of heavy atoms like uranium or plutonium. This splitting releases a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation, resulting in a powerful explosion. This process can be initiated by either shooting a neutron into the nucleus of the atom or compressing a critical mass of fissile material using conventional explosives in what's known as a "nuclear chain reaction."
Atomic bombs primarily release energy in the form of heat and light, which does not directly affect ozone molecules. Ozone depletion is mainly caused by chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that break down ozone in the stratosphere. Therefore, atomic bombs do not contribute to ozone depletion.
The cities were called Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US dropped the atomic bombs onto Japan on August 6th and 9th 1945.
It is not possible to directly equate the energy released by an earthquake to the explosive power of atomic bombs. The Richter scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake based on seismic waves, while atomic bombs release energy through nuclear fission or fusion. The destructive power of an earthquake cannot be accurately converted to the number of atomic bombs.
About 220,000 died due to the dropping of the 2 atomic bombs onto Japan in 1945. 75,000 in Nagasaki died and 145,000 in Hiroshima died.
After the atomic bomb, the intensity of destruction increases with hydrogen bombs, which are significantly more powerful and devastating due to the fusion reaction they utilize. Hydrogen bombs are capable of producing much larger explosions compared to atomic bombs due to their ability to release vast amounts of energy.
Yes there are a number of countries that have atomic wepons. However since WW2 an atomic bomb has never been set off in anger.
The atomic bombs went off almost 2000 feet in the air.
More & higher yield atomic bombs, I guess.
Yes, uranium can be used in atomic bombs.
Atomic bombs were dropped in WWII
The first two atomic bombs were set of in the atmosphere, they did not make a hole. Later during the cold war, regulations prevented atmospheric/surface testing and the bombs were set off in deep holes that were pre-drilled in the ground. These holes were as deep as the engineers made them.
No. The US gave them cryptic messages about the bombs and never told them they had atomic bombs.
Total war means atomic bombs.
During WWII the atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Yes, there were books written about the concept of atomic energy and the potential for atomic bombs before they were actually developed. One notable example is H.G. Wells' 1914 novel "The World Set Free," which featured a speculative portrayal of atomic bombs and their impact on society.
Uranium which is a fuel is used in atomic bombs and in nuclear power stations.