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The Iran Plate or Iranian Plate is a triangular plate between the Eurasian Plate, the Indian plate and the Arabian Plate. It is often considered a part of the Eurasian Plate.The boundary with the Arabian Plate is a subduction zone, also known as the Zagros Thrust. Here the Arabian Plate is subducted beneath the Iranian Plate, giving rise to desastrous earthquakes

The boundary with the Eurasian Plate is a suture zone (North Iran Suture) from the collision between the Iran plate and the Turan Plate (to the north) during Middle Triassic. So the suture is a result of the closure of the Paleotethys and the continent-continent collision with the southern active margin of Eurasia (Turan Plate). The Iran-Turan suture zone is extending from Kopet Dagh in the southeast passing through Binalud (north) to the Caspian Sea in the west. The suture zone is marked by ophiolites.

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Name any three type of plates?

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What isn't a tectonic plate boundary?

Any area where two or more tectonic plates do not touch each other is a not a tectonic plate boundary.

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It is unlikely that there is life directly under tectonic plates. The extreme pressure and heat at such depths make it very challenging for life to exist. Life on Earth is primarily found in the upper layers of the Earth's crust and in the oceans.

Are plates any where else but under the sea?

Yes. All of Earth's crust, both on land and on the seafloor, is composed of tectonic plates.

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Antarctica is a continent that is mostly situated on its own tectonic plate, the Antarctic Plate, and does not have any edges that intersect with other major plates. However, some smaller plates do border Antarctica, such as the Scotia Plate and the South Sandwich Plate.

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Yes. There will always be earthquakes due to the earth's tectonic plates

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Australia isnt on the edge of any tectonic plates

What is the predicted?

The earthquake predictions depend on everyday life because the tectonic plates move a few micrometres each day. where two tectonic plates meet is called a convergent boundary and this causes an earthquake but look online and if you live in New Zealand by any chance the likelyhood of an earthquake is reasonably high. Adam.

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They occur in many places. Like Hawaii They can occur in any place were the tectonic plates move.

Where do volcanos not form?

Volcanoes form on the ring of fire on the tectonic plates in the Atlantic Ocean so if you go further and further into the Atlantic Ocean there won't be volcanoes. And also on places that are miles from tectonic plates there won't be any there either. Just think if you were to go to a tectonic plate boundary there would be volcanoes now say you go 40 miles away from the tectonic plate there probably won't be volcanoes.

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Texas is not on any plate boundaries. It is well within the North American plate, with no other plates for hundreds of miles.

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The same reason any earthquake happens, tectonic plates shifted against each other.