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An atom is electrically neutral only because the positively charged protons in the nucleus are balanced by the negatively charged electrons orbiting them. Therefore if an atom looses or gains an electrons, the balance is disrupted and an atom overall becomes positively or negatively charged. Loss of electrons will make the atom positvely charged and vice versa.

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4w ago

When an atom loses electrons, it becomes positively charged because it has more protons than electrons, leading to an overall positive charge. Conversely, when an atom gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged because it now has more electrons than protons, resulting in an overall negative charge.

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Q: How an atom becomes postively or negatively charged when it loses or gains electrons?
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What is closer to nucleus the stronger the attractive force?

When it is close to the nucleus because the postively charged protons attract the negatively charged electrons

What happens to a material which gains electrons?

When a material gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged. This is because it now has more negatively charged electrons than positively charged protons. The excess electrons will repel each other and attract positive charges in the environment.

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If the atom was neutral, it becomes an anion. Since electrons have a (-) charge

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gaining or losing electrons. If an object gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged; if it loses electrons, it becomes positively charged.

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Electrons are transferred when a neutral object is charged. If electrons are added to an object, it becomes negatively charged, and if electrons are removed, it becomes positively charged.

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When you rub the balloon with a duster, electrons are transferred from the duster to the balloon. This excess of electrons on the balloon gives it a negative charge. Electrons are negatively charged particles, so when they are transferred to an object, that object becomes negatively charged.

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When negatively charged electrons move from one material to another, the overall charge on each material can become more positive or negative depending on the relative movement of electrons. For instance, if electrons leave a material, it can become positively charged, and if electrons are gained, the material can become negatively charged. This transfer of electrons can result in materials having different net charges.

What is a material that loses electrons becomes a positively charged b negatively charged cneutral deasilt attracted?

A material that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

When you rub two objects together which object is positively charged and negatively charged?

When you rub two objects together, electrons are transferred between the two objects. The object that gains electrons becomes negatively charged, while the object that loses electrons becomes positively charged.

How does an atom negatively charge?

An atom becomes negatively charged when it receives an electron from another atom. In other words, if there are more electrons than protons in an atom, it becomes negatively charged.

What happens when a diamond collects electrons?

It then becomes a negatively-charged diamond.

How does an object change as it gains more electrons?

It becomes negatively charged.