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Q: How algae and freshwater shrimps are used to measure pollution in water?
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What eats algae in a pond?

Pond Snails, Tadpoles, Freshwater Shrimps and some species of fish such as the Grass Carp. Most baby fish will also feed on algae in their early years.

Do shrimps eat algae?

Yes. Shrimps eat algae as it swallows water through its mouth.

In which tidal zones do eel grass algae fish shrimps dolphin and more survive?

n which tidal zones do eel grass algae fish shrimps dolphin and more survive?

What are the main groups of algae found in freshwater lakes?

The most commonly encountered groups of freshwater algae are green algae, diatoms, and blue-green algae

What is freshwater algae?

Freshwater algae is a type of algae that only grows in lakes. It is commonly found in states like Minnesota, Michigan, New York, and Colorado.

What species indicate pollution in fresh water?

Some species that can indicate pollution in fresh water include certain types of algae (e.g. green algae blooms), macroinvertebrates like mayflies and stoneflies that are sensitive to pollution, and certain fish species like carp that can thrive in degraded water conditions. Monitoring the presence and abundance of these species can help determine the level of pollution in a freshwater ecosystem.

What eats algae in freshwater biomes?

Many types of animals eat algae in freshwater. Snails, fish, bivalves and even birds are all common algae eaters.

What do sideswimmers eat?

Sideswimmers are also called Shrimps mainly eat algae

What is the human event that can cause an increase in freshwater algae growth?

Excessive nutrient runoff from human activities such as agriculture, urban development, and wastewater treatment can cause an increase in freshwater algae growth. This nutrient pollution, particularly from nitrogen and phosphorus, can lead to algal blooms which can harm aquatic ecosystems and water quality.

What do freshwater louse eat?

algae and detritis.:)

What color is chlorella?

freshwater green algae

What are some suitable brown algae eaters for freshwater aquariums?

Some suitable brown algae eaters for freshwater aquariums include Siamese algae eaters, otocinclus catfish, and bristlenose plecos.