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Q: How a more favourable climate affect the agrarian revolution?
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How do seasonal winds affect climate?

seasonal winds affect climate

How does Russia's climate affect its climate?

I love daddy

How does urbanization affect the climate?

the effect is that the climate changes into a cooler or warmer climate.

How can different climate regions affect how people Ada?

how can different climate regions affect how people adapt to the environment

How does climate change affect the automobiles?

It doesnt realy but the climate is getting hotter so cars can overhaet quicker. It is more cars that affect climate change

Related questions

What are the factors that affect settlements?

Factors that affect settlements include availability of natural resources, topography and climate, transportation networks, proximity to water sources, economic opportunities, and historical and cultural influences. These factors can impact the location, size, and growth of settlements.

What can affect climate?

latitude, elevation, anegetation affect climate

How does climate affect erosion?

Climate affects erosion by influencing the amount and intensity of rainfall, which can lead to increased runoff and soil erosion. Temperature fluctuations can also cause freeze-thaw cycles that contribute to the breakdown and movement of rocks and soil. Additionally, wind patterns in a particular climate can lead to wind erosion in arid regions.

How do seasonal winds affect climate?

seasonal winds affect climate

Does not affect climate in a given area?

Longitudes do not affect the climate of an area but instead they cause differences in time. Latitudes on the other hand affect climate.

How does climate affect the climate in an area?


How do tornadoes affect climate change?

Tornadoes themselves are not directly caused by climate change, but there is evidence that a warming climate could lead to changes in atmospheric conditions that may affect tornado frequency or intensity. However, the relationship between tornadoes and climate change is complex, and more research is needed to fully understand the connection.

How do cold climate affect climate?

bring cool weather to climate

How do the earth 4 season affect earth climates?

They don't affect the climate. They are a result of the climate.

Does mountains affect climate by rain shadows?

Yes it does affect climate by rain shadows :D

How do tectonic plate movemoments affect climate?

Tectonic plate movements can affect climate by causing changes in the distribution of land and ocean, which in turn influence ocean currents and atmospheric circulation patterns. These changes can impact factors such as temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea level, which collectively play a role in shaping regional and global climate. Volcanic activity associated with tectonic plate movements can also release gases and particles into the atmosphere, affecting the Earth's energy balance and potentially contributing to short-term climate variations.

Do naturaal disasters affect the way the climate changes?

no, but climate changes affect natural disasters.