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Q: How RNA receives information from DNA by?
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Where is the information in DNA and rna carried?

The information in DNA is carried in its sequence of nucleotides, which form genes that encode for proteins and regulate cellular functions. In RNA, the information is carried in a single-stranded molecule that is transcribed from DNA and includes messages for protein synthesis.

Why is RNA necessary to act as a messenger?

RNA is necessary to act as a messenger because it carries the genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where proteins are synthesized. It serves as a template for protein synthesis and helps in decoding the genetic information stored in the DNA. RNA is also more versatile and can move in and out of the nucleus, facilitating the efficient transfer of genetic information.

Why are DNA and rna importing to cells?

DNA carries the genetic information of a cell. WHen this information is needed, the genes are transferred to RNA

In gene expression and protein synthesis information flows from?

DNA --> RNA --> Proteins -----------------------------------------That simple.

Are DNA and RNA neurotransmitters?

No. Neurotransmitters are located in the brain. DNA & RNA are related to cell information and replication.

What is the centrial dogma of biology?

The central dogma of biology states that the flow of genetic information in a cell is from DNA to RNA to protein. This means that genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA and then translated from RNA to protein, which carries out various functions in the cell.

Which organic molecules contain genetic information in the form if DNA or RNA?

All living things have DNA or rna

Does DNA carry genetic information?


What two biomolecules can carry the genetic information for a virus?

The two biomolecules that can carry the genetic information for a virus are DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). Viruses can have either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, which carries the instructions for the virus to replicate inside host cells.

Where does the transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA take place?

The transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA takes place in the cell nucleus during a process called transcription. Here, an RNA molecule complementary to a specific region of DNA is synthesized by an enzyme called RNA polymerase.

Do protein store genetic information?

No, nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, store and translate genetic information into proteins. DNA -> RNA -> proteins The central dogma of molecular cell Biology.

DNA passes information to RNA during what process?

Transcription. DNA serves as the template for the synthesis of RNA molecules through transcription. During transcription, the information encoded in the DNA is transcribed into a complementary RNA sequence by RNA polymerase.