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363 million years ago.

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Horsetails and similar plants, known as fern allies, were dominant during the Carboniferous period around 300 million years ago. They were widespread and played a significant role in shaping ancient ecosystems, contributing to the formation of coal deposits.

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Q: Horsetails and similar plants are thought to have constituted a large proportion of the vegetation during which geological time period?
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Stegosaurus was an herbivore, or plant eater. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. A study of the bite force and teeth of Stegosaurus suggests that they couldn't bite through sticks that were more than 1.2 centimeters thick, so they would have needed to eat very tender vegetation.

How does a stegosaurus eat?

Stegosaurus spent much of its time foraging for edible plants. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers, but they could only reach plants within three feet of the forest floor, unless they were capable of rearing on their hind legs to reach vegetation high up in the trees.

Was stegosaurus an hebivores or carnivore?

Stegosaurus was an herbivore, or plant eater. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. A study of the bite force and teeth of Stegosaurus suggests that they couldn't bite through sticks that were more than 1.2 centimeters thick, so they would have needed to eat very tender vegetation.

Is a stegosaurus a herbovore or a amnavore?

Stegosaurus was an herbivore, or plant eater. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. A study of the bite force and teeth of Stegosaurus suggests that they couldn't bite through sticks that were more than 1.2 centimeters thick, so they would have needed to eat very tender vegetation.

Are bushfires geological?

Bushfires are not considered geological events, as they are primarily driven by weather conditions and human activities rather than geological processes. However, the presence of certain geological factors such as dry vegetation, topography, and climate can influence the frequency and intensity of bushfires in a particular region.

What did the earth's surface look like during the Pennsylvanian period?

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Was Stegosaurus a carnivore Herbivore or Omnivore?

Stegosaurus was an herbivore, or plant eater. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. A study of the bite force and teeth of Stegosaurus suggests that they couldn't bite through sticks that were more than 1.2 centimeters thick, so they would have needed to eat very tender vegetation.

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