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Not helium. But xenon is used in photographic lamps

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Actually, xenon is commonly used in photographic lamps instead of helium. Xenon emits a bright, white light that closely resembles natural sunlight, making it ideal for Photography and other lighting applications. Helium, on the other hand, is mostly used for lifting gas in balloons or as a coolant in certain applications.

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Q: Helium is the gas used in photographic lamps?
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What was krypton used for in the past?

Krypton is a noble gas primarily used in fluorescent lamps and photographic flash lamps for its ability to produce bright light. It is also used in some laser technologies for its specific wavelength emissions. In the past, krypton was used in early flash lamps for high-speed photography and in some incandescent light bulbs.

What element is a noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures?

The noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures is typically argon. Argon helps prevent the filament from burning out too quickly in light bulbs and provides a stable environment for processing photographic film.

What are common uses of noble gases?

They found in the periodictable at group 0 (or 8).They all are gases.They don't react usually so they called NOBLE GASES!!!The members of the family or group:Helium HeNeon NeArgon ArKrypton KrXenon XeRadon RnBalloon are usually filled with helium gas for parties so they canfloat (go upwards).Electric bulb were filled Argon gas because it is a noble gas itwould not react with Tungsten filament in the bulb.The noble gases have a number of uses, particularly helium which is the most useful. Since helium has the lowest boiling point of any element (or any substance), it is very useful for producing very low temperatures, which are used for such things as magnetic resonance imaging systems or anything that requires superconductivity. Helium is also very useful for making lighter-than-air flying devices such as balloons and zeppelins. (You can also use hydrogen, but helium has the advantage of being non-flammable and hence safer.) Neon is used in lighting.

Which chemical symbol is used to represent gas helium?

The symbol for hydrogen gas is H2

Is helium the noble gas that is commercially used the most?

Yes, helium is the noble gas that is commercially used the most. It is commonly used in various industries, including cryogenics, deep-sea diving, and as a carrier gas for gas chromatography. Additionally, helium is commonly used to fill balloons for celebrations and events.

Related questions

What gas does not react at all it is used in light bulbs?

Argon and helium are a couple of inert gasses used in lamps.

What was krypton used for in the past?

Krypton is a noble gas primarily used in fluorescent lamps and photographic flash lamps for its ability to produce bright light. It is also used in some laser technologies for its specific wavelength emissions. In the past, krypton was used in early flash lamps for high-speed photography and in some incandescent light bulbs.

What do you use xenon?

Xenon is a noble gas that has several applications. It is used in anesthesia, auto headlights, photographic flashes, and in high pressure arc lamps along with other scientific uses.

What the gas used in lamps mainly argon or hydrogen?

argon is used in lamps

What are important facts about helium?

helium is used in gas ballons .it is the lighter gas

What is the gas used to make flash light?

I think for creating flashlight The gas used in fluorescent lamps is argon. Neon is used for red lamps.

What is the difference between helium and neon?

Helium is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless noble gas that is lighter than air, commonly used in balloons and airships. Neon is another noble gas that is red-orange in color when used in gas-discharge lamps, often seen in neon signs. They differ in their chemical properties and physical characteristics, with helium having a lower boiling and melting point compared to neon.

What are the names for the types of gas lamps used in the UK?


Which gas is used in lamps?


How is helium used in the body?

Helium is a gas and is not found in the body

What element is a noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures?

The noble gas used in light bulbs and photographic pictures is typically argon. Argon helps prevent the filament from burning out too quickly in light bulbs and provides a stable environment for processing photographic film.

What gas is used in paddling pool?

the gas is helium