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Q: Have the northern lights ever been seen in Georgia?
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No, squids with lights swimming in the ocean have not been observed.

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Coldest temperature for Georgia -17 Degrees Fahrenheit Northern Floyd County January 27, 1940 NOAA Website.

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I do not think Georgia has ever been to any world cup as yet.

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No. A marriage equality bill has never been introduced in the Georgia legislature.

Has anyone ever seen the aurora lights?

they are most beautiful when you see them in the northern hemisphere around the 58th parallel ( fort Churchill, Manitoba)

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No. A domestic partnership bill has never been introduced in the Georgia legislature.

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No. A civil union bill has never been introduced in the Georgia legislature.

Quotes on the northern lights?

"Earth and sky.. are excellent school masters and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books"- John Lubbock

Did Zac Efron ever go to Georgia?

ya.. sorry , but zac efron has never gone to georgia, and he probably never will... its so boring there ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually yes he has been to georgia. He visited a close personal friend who goes to ga southern university in statesboro, ga.

Have the northern lights ever been seen in Mississippi?

It is very rare for the northern lights (aurora borealis) to be seen in Mississippi, as they are typically visible at higher latitudes closer to the North Pole. However, during rare and strong geomagnetic storms, it may be possible to see the northern lights in more southerly locations like Mississippi.

Has OJ da Juiceman ever been arrested?

Yeah...3 dope charges in DeKalb County, Georgia....