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No, not all stars we see in the sky have already exploded. Stars that are visible to us are typically within our own Milky Way galaxy and are at various stages of their life cycles. Some may have already exploded in supernova events, while others are still actively shining.

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Q: Have all of the stars you see in the sky all ready exploded?
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Contact the manufacturer.

What percentage of stars do you see?

In the total Universe and with near perfect viewing conditions you can see about 0.0000000000000000005% of all stars.

Why are you able to see stars that might no longer exist?

Because we are observing the stars as they *where* not as they are now.If we look in the night sky, we see stars, some are close, some are further away.If we view, say Betelgeuse, we are seeing it as it was 640 years ago, because that is how far away from us it is in light years. For all we know it may have exploded as a supernova 639 years ago, but we won't know for another year.So the stars you are viewing in the night sky, is what a star looked like, depending on the distance from us.

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There are stars all around us, so of course you'll see stars next to any planet you choose.

Can a telescope see all the stars in your solar system?

Yes. In fact your eyes can see all the stars in our Solar System. The only star in our solar system is the Sun.

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We only name things that we can see, or detect. The first stars in the universe were likely supergiant stars that exploded in supernova explosions within a few hundred million years. The material blasted into space by the first three or four generations of rapidly-dying stars provided the raw material that came together to form our solar system.

How is the motion of stars similar to the motion of the sun?

The stars we can see are all within our galaxy (the Mikey Way). In general all the stars are orbiting the center of the Mikey Way.

How is the motion of the stars similar to the motion of the sun?

The stars we can see are all within our galaxy (the Mikey Way). In general all the stars are orbiting the center of the Mikey Way.

Do stars shine at night?

Stars shine all the time but you can only see them at night due to the darkness.

What can't you see stars in the day?

You cant see the stars at day because that is when all the alien space ship fly over the sky blocking out the stars also the stars may be brbing because their busy trolololo

EXPLODED view of a console shifter?

Don't know about an exploded view but see if this is of any help:

How many stars are in the constellation the Pegasus?

There are hundreds of stars in the constellation Pegasus.The main stars are:MarkabScheatAlgenibEnifHomamMatarBahamSadalbariFor details about all the other stars, see related link.