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Q: Has there ever been a volcano in Oklahoma?
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No, there is not a volcano near Dallas.

Has mount Everest ever been a volcano?

No, Mount Everest has never been a volcano.

Has there ever been a tornado in Oklahoma Oklahoma?

Oklahoma City has been and continues to be the site of many violent tornadoes. If you are in Oklahoma City, OK, listen to your local TV and radio stations for tornado warnings.

Is the Kilauea Volcano exstinct?

Nope! The Kilauea volcano has been erupting ever since 1983! I hope this helps:)

Is mount Everest now a volcano and when was the last time it erupted?

I do not think Mount Everest has ever been a volcano.

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the USS Oklahoma have been rebuild, but the military sold it for scrap and it sunk during transport.

Has a marriage equality bill ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in Oklahoma?

No. A marriage equality bill has never been introduced in the Oklahoma legislature.

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Has Mount Kosciuszko ever been a volcano?

Oh, dude, Mount Kosciuszko has never been a volcano. It's actually the highest mountain in Australia, but it's a pretty chill one - no fiery eruptions or lava flows here. So, if you were hoping for some volcano action, you'll have to look elsewhere. Like, maybe try Hawaii or something.

Has rihanna ever been to college?

Yes she went to college. She went to the college of Oklahoma University.

Has a bill legalizing same-sex civil unions ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in Oklahoma?

No. A civil union bill has never been introduced in the Oklahoma legislature.

Has a bill creating a statewide registry of domestic partnerships ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in Oklahoma?

No. A domestic partnership bill has never been introduced in the Oklahoma legislature.