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No, we haven't sent anything to Makemake yet.

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As of now, no probe has been specifically sent to explore Makemake. However, the dwarf planet has been observed and studied by telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, providing valuable information about its characteristics and surface features.

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Q: Has any probe explored Makemake
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Has a probe ever been sent to Makemake?

No. Makemake was discovered too recently for us to have sent anything there. It takes years to plan such a mission and would take years for a probe to visit something as far away as Makemake. The most distant object we have visited so far is Pluto.

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The first planet to be explored by a space probe was Venus. The Soviet Union's Venera 1 probe was the first spacecraft to fly by Venus in 1961, followed by the Venera 2 and Venera 3 missions in 1965.

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