The planet is so far away that only a small number of space probes have reached it. Much of the information on the planet is made by specialized observations from Earth and from the orbiting Hubble Telescope.
(see the related link for details)
In addition to countless observations from Earth-based telescopes for 400 years, there have been a series of robotic probes sent to the vicinity of Saturn. The first were the two Voyager spacecraft, which sent back many good quality photographs and scientific data. The most recent probe was the Cassini spacecraft, which detached a small Huygens vehicle to make a soft landing on the moon Titan.
There have been four missions to Saturn to date.
The first visit was by Pioneer 11 in September 1979, which flew within 20 000 km of the planet's cloud tops.
Voyager 1 then visited the Saturn system in November 1980, sending back better pictures of the planet, the first high resolution images. Voyager 1 also performed a close flyby of Titan, Saturns largest moon and the only moon in the solarsystem with a thick atmosphere.
In August 1981, Voyager 2 continued the study of the Saturn system, providing further close-up images of Saturn's moons
On July 1 2004, the Cassini-Huygens space probe entered into orbit around Saturn. The orbiter released the Huygens probe on December 25 2004 into the atmosphere of Titan, which descended onto the surface of of the moon on January 14 2005, sending back lots of atmospheric data, before landing on the surface of the moon and sending back some imagary of the moons surface. The Cassini orbiter remains in orbit around Saturn to this day.
saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecrafts
the Cassinni in 2004
Both the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft explored several planets in our solar system, including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For example, Voyager 1 and 2 conducted flybys of Jupiter and Saturn, while Pioneer 10 and 11 also explored Jupiter and Saturn.
The Cassini spacecraft, a joint mission by NASA, ESA, and the Italian Space Agency, explored Saturn from 2004 to 2017. It provided detailed information about Saturn's rings, moons, and atmosphere before intentionally plunging into the planet to end its mission.
No one can say who discovered Saturn it has been known in the ancient times. Saturn is visible in the sky to the unaided human eye and has thus been known from ancient times. This means no one person can be credited with its discovery. However, the first person to document the existence of Saturn's rings was Galileo, a famous astronomer, in 1610.
nobody HAS ever explored Saturn if they did- they would be dead
saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecrafts
in terms of satalites and rovers, mars, venus, jupiter, saturn, mercury
apolo 11
what satellite or robot explored Saturn
Humans have not yet explored the planet Saturn, aside from sending a few probes to it. It would take decades to reach Saturn with modern technology, making sending an astronaut team there impractical.
Saturn was discovered by Galileo And is pale yellow due to the gases it is made up of.IT has not yet been explored by humans That is because it is made of gases and liquid.hope you found the answer to your question.
everything sucks