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Q: Had you been Louis Pasteur what would have been your reflections and conclusions based on this experiment?
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Explain how Louis Pasteur's experiments observations and conclusions have helped us to understand how food can be preserved?

he was clever

What scientist responsible for disproving the theory of spontaneous generation?

Francesco Redi, in 1668, showed that abiogenesis of maggots did not occur, and further experiments by Lazzaro Spallanzani (1768) and Louis Pasteur (1861) showed that many of the lifeforms thought "created" were those already invisibly present in the air or in other materials.

Which part of Louis pasteur's experiment represents the control?

The flask that was not exposed to air/germs and remained sealed represents the control in Louis Pasteur's experiment. This flask helped to demonstrate that it was the air/germs that caused the spoilage and not just the broth itself.

Did Louis Pasteur have a wife and children?

Louis Pasteur has 5 children

Who began pasturizing milk to kill bacteria?

The process of pasteurization came from Louis Pasteur.

Which French scientist discovered vaccines?

Louis Pasteur

In 1668 Francesco Redi conducted an experiment with jars of meat why is this experiment noteworthy?

he set the foundation on which Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation.

Can someone give a short summary on Louis Pasteur's experiment with spontaneous generation?

No, you need to do this. Go into your science book and read what it has on Pasteur. It is only a few paragraphs. Take the main idea of each and you have a summary of his experiment.

What was Louis Pasteur's occupation?

wat was Louis pasteur occupatoin?

Did Louis Pasteur used a controlled experiment to show that bacteria arise from spontaneous generation?

yes he did

Are there any schools named after Louis Pasteur?

Yes, there are schools named after Louis Pasteur, such as the Louis Pasteur Middle School in California and the Lycee Louis Pasteur in Canada. These schools honor Pasteur's contributions to science and education.

Who invented pasteurise?

Louis Pasteur