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Q: Groups of elements are often called what?
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A column of elements are called a group or what?

A column of elements in the periodic table is called a group or a family. Groups have similar chemical properties due to their similar electron configurations.

What are the elements in Groups 3-12 called?

These chemical elements are called transition metals.

On the periodic tabel what is a columb of elements called?

On the periodic table the elements are called groups.

What do you by the family of an element?

On the periodic table, the elements fall into groups (the vertical columns) which are often called families. The reason is that elements in a group are chemically similar to each other.

What are the elements in groups 3 through 12 called on the periodic table of elements?

The elements in groups 3 through 12 on the periodic table are known as transition metals. These elements are characterized by their ability to form stable ions with partially filled d orbitals. They often exhibit multiple oxidation states and are known for their catalytic properties.

Why are elements in the tall columns in the periodic table called representative elements?

Elements in the tall columns of the periodic table are called representative elements because they exhibit a wide range of chemical properties that are representative of their respective groups. They are often used as a basis for comparing and predicting the behavior of other elements within the same group.

Elements in groups 3 through 12 of the periodic table are called?

These elements are known as transition metals or d-block elements

What is another name for a row or elements?


What are all the elements in the groups often called?

The elements in Group 1 are called alkali metals, Group 2 elements are alkaline earth metals, Group 17 elements are halogens, and the Group 18 elements are noble gases.

The elements of groups 2 are called?

They are called alkali earth metals.

What is a column in the periodic of elements called?

groups or family:))

What are the groups of elements called that have very regular electron configuration They are considered the representative elements?

Groups 1, 2, and 13-18.