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Q: Granite is one of the main rocks that makes up continental crust?
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Is continental crust is made of rocks such as granite?

There are many different ryes of rocks in continental crust. Granite is one of the rocks that makes up continental crust.

What rock makes up the continental crust?

The continental crust is primarily made up of granite rocks. These rocks are lighter in color and less dense compared to the oceanic crust, which is mostly made up of basalt.

Granite is one of the main rocks that makes up continental crust which is?

composed mainly of silicon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, and potassium. It is formed from the slow cooling of magma beneath the Earth's surface, giving it its characteristic coarse-grained texture. Granite is a common rock type used in buildings and monuments due to its durability and attractive appearance.

What main mineral makes up the continental crust?

The main mineral that makes up the continental crust is feldspar. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust and is commonly found in granite and other rocks that make up the continental crust.

What kind of rock makes up most of the continental crust?

Granite is the rock that makes up most of the continental crust. It is a coarse-grained igneous rock that is formed through the slow cooling of magma beneath the Earth's surface. Granite is composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, and mica minerals.

What makes up the continental crust?

The continental crust is made up of mainly granite and other high-silica rocks. It is less dense than oceanic crust and thicker, ranging from 20 to 70 kilometers in depth. The continental crust also contains various minerals and elements such as aluminum, potassium, and silicon.

Which rocks make up the continental crust?


Is continental crust made of rocks such as granite?

Yes, continental crust is primarily composed of granitic rocks such as granite. This type of rock is less dense than the basaltic rocks found in oceanic crust, which contributes to the higher elevation of continental landmasses.

Is it true that the continental crust is made of rocks such as granite?

Yes, the continental crust is primarily composed of rocks such as granite, which is a common type of intrusive igneous rock. Granite is a light-colored, coarse-grained rock that is abundant in continental crust and is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma beneath the Earth's surface.

What kind of rocks make up continental crust and oceanic crust?

Continental crust is mainly composed of granitic rocks such as granite and rhyolite, which are light in color and less dense. Oceanic crust is primarily composed of basaltic rocks, specifically basalt, which are dark in color and more dense than granitic rocks.

True or false continental crust is made of rocks such as granite?

True. Continental crust is primarily composed of lighter rocks such as granite, which are less dense than the basaltic rocks found in oceanic crust. This is why continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust.

What kind of igneous rock makes up most continental crust rocks?

granite or rhyolite