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The Golgi apparatus packages and sorts proteins, then ships them out. Most likely it can be compared to the packaging on the farm, when they pack meats or other vegetables and fruits into crates and send them out.

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1mo ago

The Golgi apparatus can be compared to a packaging station on a farm where harvested crops are processed, sorted, and packaged for distribution. Just like how the Golgi apparatus modifies and packages proteins in a cell, the packaging station organizes and prepares crops for transport to different parts of the farm or for distribution elsewhere.

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Q: Golgi apparatus can be compared to what on a farm?
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What organelle modifies and packages for secretion the materials produced by the ribosomes?

The Golgi apparatus modifies and packages materials produced by the ribosomes for secretion. It is responsible for packaging proteins and lipids into vesicles that can be transported within the cell or secreted outside of the cell.

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The Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus.

What modifies and packages proteins before they are sent out of the cell?

Golgi, or you can say Golgi body or the Golgi apparatus

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What organelle packages and transports materials out of its cell?

The Golgi apparatus is responsible for packaging and modifying proteins and lipids before sending them to their final destination within or outside the cell. It acts as the cellular post office, packaging materials into vesicles for transport.

What is analogy for golgi apparatus?

The Golgi apparatus can be likened to a post office in a city, where it processes, sorts, and packages molecules (mail) before sending them to their final destination (other parts of the cell).

What refines and packages proteins?

Golgi complex or Golgi apparatus, or something like that.

Why is the Golgi apparatus important and what is the job of the Golgi apparatus what is the Golgi apparatus made of why is the Golgi appparatus important does the Golgi apparatus helps us in our body?

The Golgi apparatus processes, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids that are synthesized in the cell. It is made of flattened, membranous sacs called cisternae. The Golgi apparatus is crucial for cellular communication, secretion of enzymes and hormones, and the transportation of molecules within the cell. It plays a vital role in maintaining cellular homeostasis.

What organelle modifies or package proteins for export from the cell?

The Golgi apparatus modifies and packages proteins for export from the cell. It receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum, modifies them, and then sorts and packages them into vesicles for transport to their final destination.

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What secretes many polysaccharides?

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