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First of all you're question is flawed. All living things contain genetic information, and therefore seeing as the cell is the smallest unit of life they must all contain genetic information. Prokaryotic cells have naked DNA, meaning it is not encapsulated in a nucleus while eukaryotic cells contain the DNA in a nucleus.

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Q: Genetic material in living organism is composed of organic molecules called?
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What is the genetic makeup of an organism?

The genetic makeup of an organism refers to its complete set of genes, including both the coding and non-coding regions of its DNA. This genetic information determines an organism's characteristics, traits, and behavior. The genome of an organism is composed of DNA molecules that contain the instructions for building and functioning of that organism.

What will the genetic material of a organism do when it produces sexually?

The genetic material of a sexually reproducing organism evolves for better adaptations.

What is genetic material package in?

An organism's genetic material is packaged in its chromosomes. The genetic material can be in the form of either DNA or RNA.

What is genetic material which organisms inherit from their parents?

Genetic material refers to the DNA molecules that contain the instructions to build and maintain an organism. Organisms inherit their genetic material from their parents through a process called reproduction, which transfers genetic information from one generation to the next. This genetic material determines an organism's traits and characteristics.

Where is the genetic material of an organism located?

In the cells

What is a change in an organism's genetic material?

A mutation.

What is composed of cells that arise from a single colony?

A multicellular organism is composed of cells that arise from a single colony, originating from a single fertilized egg or zygote. Each cell in the organism contains the same genetic material but can differentiate and specialize to perform specific functions within the organism.

What is genetic material contained in an individual?

Genetic material in an individual is composed of DNA molecules found in the cell's nucleus that carry genetic instructions. These instructions determine an individual's traits and characteristics. DNA is passed from parents to offspring and is responsible for variations in species.

What is inserting specific genetic material into the genetic material of another organism called?

Gene transfer, this type of process is mostly covered in the topic of genetic engineering

What genetic material does an organism receive from their mother?


What is the definiton of mutation?

A change in the genetic material of an organism.

Clones contain the same genetic material?

Yes, clones are genetically identical to the original organism because they are created by copying the genetic material of the original organism. This process results in offspring with the same DNA sequence as the parent, making them essentially genetic duplicates.