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Generally no radiation is safe. You cannot "inject" radiation into anything because it is the product of various unstable nuclei decaying. Alpha radiation is much more ionising than gamma, but much less penetrating than it. That makes it more dangerous if it is inside your body; it can be stopped by skin. Therefore you would have to swallow a sample of a radioactive material. However, gamma radiation is always emitted together with alpha or beta radiation.

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Gamma radiation can be safely used in medical procedures like radiotherapy when controlled doses are delivered. On the other hand, alpha particles are highly ionizing and can cause significant damage if inhaled or ingested, making them dangerous inside the body. It is essential to understand the differences in their properties and interactions with human tissue to ensure safe application.

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Q: Gamma radiation is it safe to inject into a human but alpha particles would be very dangerous?
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What are 3 kinds of radiation given off by radioactive substances?

The three types of radiation given off by radioactive substances are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating, beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles, and gamma rays are the most penetrating and dangerous type of radiation.

What type of radiation is probably the most dangerous to humans?

Externally, gamma radiation is dangerous because it can penetrate the body. Alpha is most dangerous if ingested.

Why is gamma radiation different from alpha and beta radiation?

Gamma radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation, whereas alpha and beta radiation are composed of particles. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest energy, whereas alpha and beta particles are larger and less penetrating. Gamma radiation does not carry an electric charge, while alpha and beta particles do.

Is gamma not considered a type of radiation ray?

Actually, gamma is the ONLY type of radiation ray. Since the three types of radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, and the other two are particles, technically, gamma rays are the only radiation rays. If that is not what you are looking for, then I recommend rephrasing your question.

What are the names of the three main types of radiation?

The three main types of radiation are alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation. Alpha radiation consists of alpha particles, beta radiation consists of beta particles, and gamma radiation consists of gamma rays.

What types of particles does gamma radiation release?

Gamma radiation releases electromagnetic particles called gamma rays. These are high-energy photons that travel at the speed of light and have no mass or charge. They are the most penetrating type of radiation.

Radiation that is similar to x-rays and is not composed of particles?

Gamma radiation is similar to x-rays in terms of their ability to penetrate materials and cause ionization, but unlike x-rays, gamma radiation is not composed of particles. Instead, gamma radiation consists of electromagnetic waves with very high energy.

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lead is a very dense material and can stop most radiation particles, although it is still dangerous as some gamma rays may get through.

What are the 3 particles of radiation?

Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Which type of radiation has no mass or charge?

Gamma radiation has no mass or charge. It consists of high-energy photons and is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Does gamma radiation have no mass?

Yes, gamma radiation does not possess mass. It consists of electromagnetic waves with high energy and no rest mass.

What particles does gamma radiation emit?

Gamma radiation emits high-energy photons, which are electromagnetic particles with no mass or charge. They are the most penetrating type of radiation and are often produced alongside alpha or beta particles during radioactive decay.