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Referring to the TGA1 article in Plant Cell in 1992 by Schindler et al., TGA is an abbreviation for the DNA motif to which TGA1 binds. The authors show that TGA1 binds preferentially to TGACG motifs. Thus the full name should be TGACG motif binding (TGA) transcription factors. Mark Z.

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4mo ago

The full form of TGA transcription factor is "TGA-interacting basic leucine zipper transcription factor." It is a type of transcription factor that plays a key role in regulating gene expression in response to various environmental stress factors in plants.

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What signals the termination of translation?

Translation terminates when a stop codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA) is reached in the mRNA. This stop codon is recognized by release factors, which promote the release of the completed polypeptide chain from the ribosome.

Describe the processes of transcription and translation and correctly identify the anticodon for the following DNA template strand-acg tgg gca tga acg tgg?

Transcription is the process of creating an mRNA copy of a gene. In this case, the DNA sequence "acg tgg gca tga acg tgg" would be transcribed into mRNA as "ugc acc cgu acu ugc acc". Translation is the process of converting mRNA into protein, where tRNA molecules with complementary anticodons bring amino acids to the ribosome. The anticodon for the mRNA codon "acu" (corresponding to the DNA sequence "tga") would be "uga".

Can a Valsalva maneuver trigger Transient global amnesia?

Yes, a Valsalva maneuver can trigger Transient Global Amnesia (TGA) in some individuals. The increase in pressure caused by the maneuver may disrupt blood flow to the brain, leading to memory loss characteristic of TGA. It is important to observe caution when performing activities that involve straining to prevent such occurrences.

What is the complementary strand to AGTCACGGTATCTA?

give the complementary DNA sequence of 5' atg ctt gca cca gtg tga aaa agg gcg?

How do you make toribash texture?

To create a custom texture in Toribash, you can use an image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP. Start with a blank canvas of the appropriate size (e.g. 512x512 pixels), design your texture, then save it as a .tga file. Finally, import the .tga file into Toribash through the Texture menu to apply it to your character or item.

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What is the full form of TGA?

Therapeutic Goods Administration Transient Global Amnesia

What is the prognosis for TGA patients?

The prognosis for TGA patients is excellent

What is the different between TGA and DMTA?

TGA: ThermoGravimetic Analysis DMTA: Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis

What is TGA?

Transient global amnesia

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As of July 2014, the market cap for Transglobe Energy Corp (TGA) is $504,566,469.56.

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What is the prognosis for the patient?

The prognosis for TGA patients is excellent

How is TGA treated?

After ruling out trauma to the brain from accident, disease, or stroke, most people who have experienced TGA receive very little treatment because the condition is benign

How do you add tga badges in fifa manager 2008?

a now

What is the real name of Subcool of TGA Seeds?

Brian Rutherford.

What has the author F A Wood written?

F. A. Wood has written: 'TGA in potatoes'