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Q: Family trait skin colour height albinism?
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Is albinism a dominat or reccesive trait?

Albinism is a recessive trait which will result in a lack of pigmentation in the skin eyes and hair. It occurs about 1 in every 17,000 people in the U.S.

Is albinism autosomal?

Albinism is a recessive, autosomal trait. So no, it is not sex-linked.

Albinism is a recessive trait in humans that is controlled by a single gene how many recessive alleles must a person have to have albinism?


How does a person inherit albinism?

Normally both parents have to have the recessive gene for the particular trait that causes complete or partial albinism. Therefore it will appear more frequently in families with a history of albinism.

Can exposure to ideal environmental conditions like light and nutrients reverse the genetic trait Albinism?

No, albinism is an irreversible condition.

Is albinism a recessive trait or dominant?

Recessive. The trait will only show up if both parents have the gene recessively (aa). If the genetic make up is Aa or AA, there will be melanin production, meaning albinism is an aa gene only. Albinism is a recessive allele.

What is a qualitative trait in humans?

Eye colour, hair colour, etc. Traits that cannot be assigned a straightforward number like height or number of fingers.

What is a condition that is shown only when two recessive alleles are present?

Recessive trait...

Proof of different traits are independently inherited?

The best example and proof is height and skin colour of human beings i.e. the trait of height does not depend on the skin colour and both act differently allthough there are some traits which show interdependence.

Can two parents with albinism have an unaffected child?

Yes, Albinism is a recessive trait. You may be carriers of it but it doesn't necessarily mean that your child will have it. Your parents could have been carriers of it but not had it. The albinism just happened to be mixes into your genes.

True or false height is not a polygenic trait?

false, height is a polygenic trait

What chromosome is Albinism located on?

Chromosome 9.