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Q: Factor affecting chemical reaction in fire control?
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What temperature change do you think would be required to increase or decrease the reaction time by a factor of 2?

all chemical reaction has to be thought of to be there

Do chemical changes only happen at a heigh temperature?

No, chemical changes can occur at various temperatures depending on the specific reaction. While many chemical reactions do happen at higher temperatures to provide enough energy for the reaction to occur, there are also reactions that occur at lower temperatures. Temperature is just one factor that can influence the rate of a chemical reaction.

Lighted match is brought near a candle wick in order to light the candle which of the 4 factors affecting reaction rate is most important concentration temperature surface area or catalyst?

Temperature is the most important factor affecting the reaction rate in this scenario. By increasing the temperature with the lighted match, the kinetic energy of the particles is increased, leading to more collisions and a faster reaction between the match and the candle wick.

Why is mass energy not apparent for chemical reactions?

According to Einstein's equation, E = mc2, any time there is energy released by a chemical reaction there must be a change in mass. The factor, c2,is such a hugh factor that the mass change is so small that it is not measurable by our balances.

What is the controlling factor in very fast heterogeneous reaction?

In very fast heterogeneous reactions, the controlling factor is typically the rate of mass transfer of reactants to the reaction surface, rather than the intrinsic chemical reaction rate at the surface. This is because the reaction rate is limited by how quickly reactants can reach the surface and participate in the reaction. Improving mass transfer, for example by increasing surface area or stirring the system, can enhance the overall reaction rate.

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Which factor badly affects the Taj Mahal?

acid rain is one of the most affecting factor to the beauty of taj mahal as a chemical reaction between acid rain and marble deteriorates the marble

What is the most important factor affecting the formation of chemical bonds?

The most important factor affecting how chemical bonds form is the number of electrons in the valence (outermost) shell of each atom involved.

A factor that speeds up a chemical reaction?


What is a factor that speeds up a chemical reaction?

Heat or Catalysts

A factor that slows down a chemical reaction?

A factor that can slow down a chemical reaction is a low temperature, as lower temperatures reduce the kinetic energy of the reacting molecules, leading to fewer collisions and a slower rate of reaction.

One of 5 things have to happen for a chemical reaction to take place?

the requiredactivation energy is the basic factor for a reaction to start.

What is an important factor in all chemical reactions?

An important factor in all chemical reactions is the type and arrangement of atoms involved. The way in which atoms interact with one another dictates the outcome of a chemical reaction.

What element can control the condition at which a reaction occurs?

The activation energy is the energy required to initiate a chemical reaction and is a key factor in controlling the conditions at which a reaction occurs. Lowering the activation energy through the use of a catalyst can accelerate the reaction rate. Additionally, factors such as temperature, concentration, and pressure can also influence the rate of a reaction.

One thing that is not a factor in determining critical mass is?

the age of the material

What temperature change do you think would be required to increase or decrease the reaction time by a factor of 2?

all chemical reaction has to be thought of to be there

What is the major factor affecting the amount of water vapour?

The major factor affecting the amount of water vapour is temperature.

What is the difference between the present value of an investment and its cost?

pressure is dependent on temperature pressure is a mere important factor that affect chemical reaction temperature acts on chemical reaction faster than pressure