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The world would be very different if green plants had not evolved because the world is based on green plants. They provide food for almost all organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms. They release oxygen into the atmosphere. They provide people with products including building materials, medicines, fuels, and fibers. They form fossil fuels, which are used by people all over the world. None of this would exist without green plants. The world would be much less colorful and diverse as well, because we would not have the great variety of plants, including trees and flowers, we have now

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11y ago
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1w ago

Photosynthesis initially evolved in Earth's early atmosphere that was devoid of oxygen because organisms used alternative molecules like hydrogen sulfide or iron for energy production. Over time, photosynthetic organisms began to release oxygen as a byproduct, gradually changing the atmosphere's composition leading to the Great Oxidation Event. This increase in atmospheric oxygen enabled the evolution of oxygen-dependent organisms like aerobic respiration, ultimately shaping the diversity and complexity of life on Earth.

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12y ago

Photosynthesis doesn't require oxygen, it produces it from carbon dioxide. Organisms that were successful producing energy through photosynthesis subsequently produced lots of oxygen. Initially oxygen, which is highly reactive,

oxidized photosynthetic organism unless they had protective barriers or utilized

oxygen in the process of respiration. Organisms that could use both photosynthesis

and respiration (like the euglena) were next...and subsequently organisms that live by consumption and respiration only. The beginnings of the food chain.

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13y ago

Because of the burning of fuels and gases from factories which get into the air.

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10y ago

life would be different because we would not have enough oxeygen so the earths population might die out because there is bearly any air to breath.

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9y ago

It will remain as reductive atmosphere. Ther will be only gases like NH3, H2 , H2S. H2O. There would be no life

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11y ago

They won't have oxgen

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Q: Explain why photosynthesis could have occurred in earths early atmosphere that did not contain oxygen and how it eventually affected the evolution of other organisms?
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What element upon which most modern organisms depend was missing from earth's early atmosphere?

Oxygen was the element missing from Earth's early atmosphere, which eventually accumulated due to early photosynthetic organisms. This change in the atmosphere allowed for the evolution of organisms that rely on oxygen for respiration.

When organisms began using photosynthesis what gas was added to the atmosphere as a result?

Oxygen is one of the products of photosynthesis and is the gas that rose in abundance in the atmosphere due to the process of photosynthesis.

Which event contributed most directly to the evidence of aerobic organism?

The development of photosynthesis in primitive organisms, specifically cyanobacteria, contributed most directly to the evidence of aerobic organisms. Photosynthesis evolved around 3 billion years ago, producing oxygen as a byproduct. This oxygen accumulation in the atmosphere eventually allowed for the development of aerobic organisms, which rely on oxygen for their metabolism.

Does oxygen can enter the atmosphere during cellular respiration or photosynthesis?

Oxygen is released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis when plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. During cellular respiration, organisms take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

How did early photosynthesis organisms change Earth's atmosphere?

Photosynthetic bacteria produced oxygen, and as they continued to colonize the earth they produced more oxygen. Eventually all the oxygen sinks became saturated, and this resulted in the Great Oxygenation Event (GOE). Aerobic organisms would late evolve and utilize the free oxygen.

Related questions

What did cyanobacteria add to the atmosphere?

Cyanobacteria added oxygen to the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis, fundamentally changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere and enabling the evolution of aerobic organisms.

Earths early atmosphere was changed dramatically by the evolution of?

photosynthetic organisms, like cyanobacteria, which produced oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. This led to the increase in atmospheric oxygen levels, changing the composition of Earth's early atmosphere.

What element upon which most modern organisms depend was missing from earth's early atmosphere?

Oxygen was the element missing from Earth's early atmosphere, which eventually accumulated due to early photosynthetic organisms. This change in the atmosphere allowed for the evolution of organisms that rely on oxygen for respiration.

What was the importance of photosynthesis in the evolution of the earths atmosphere?

Photosynthesis played a crucial role in the evolution of Earth's atmosphere by producing oxygen as a byproduct. This process greatly increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, making it possible for aerobic organisms to thrive and leading to the development of more complex life forms. The rise of photosynthetic organisms also contributed to the stabilization of Earth's climate over time.

Why do scientist think the the amount of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere has increased?

Scientists believe that the amount of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere has increased over time due to the evolution of photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and cyanobacteria. These organisms release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, leading to an accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere.

How did cyanbacteria aid the evolution of complex life on land?

Cyanobacteria played a crucial role in oxygenating the Earth's atmosphere through photosynthesis, creating an environment conducive to the evolution of complex life on land. Their ability to produce oxygen as a byproduct contributed to the development of aerobic organisms, which eventually led to the diversification of life forms and the emergence of more complex organisms on land.

How was oxygen added to the earths atmosphere?

Oxygen was added to Earth's atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis by early photosynthetic organisms like cyanobacteria. These organisms released oxygen as a byproduct, which accumulated over millions of years and eventually led to the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today.

The by-product of the metabolism of cyanobacteria that had the most effect on the further evolution of life is?

Oxygen. Cyanobacteria were one of the earliest organisms to produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. This oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere had a profound impact on the further evolution of life, leading to the diversification of aerobic organisms.

Why earths atmosphere today contains more oxygen than earth atmosphere?

The increased oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere today compared to earlier in its history are due to the evolution and proliferation of photosynthetic organisms like plants and cyanobacteria. These organisms release oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, gradually increasing its concentration in the atmosphere over millions of years.

What is the process when organisms add oxygen to the atmosphere called?


When organisms began using photosynthesis what gas was added to the atmosphere as a result?

Oxygen is one of the products of photosynthesis and is the gas that rose in abundance in the atmosphere due to the process of photosynthesis.

How did oxygen become a part of earth's atmosphere and what did this increase in oxygen levels allow?

Oxygen accumulated in Earth's atmosphere through photosynthesis by early cyanobacteria around 2.4 billion years ago. This increase in oxygen levels allowed for the evolution of more complex life forms that could utilize oxygen for respiration, leading to the diversification of life on Earth.