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Q: Explain why electrolysis sometimes yields different products from those predicted using the electrochemical series?
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Why electrolysis sometimes yields different products from those predicted using electrochemical series?

Electrolysis may yield different products because factors such as concentration of electrolyte, pH of the solution, temperature, and type of electrodes used can influence the reaction. These factors can cause deviations from the predictions based solely on the standard electrode potentials in the electrochemical series. Additionally, side reactions or impurities in the electrolyte can also affect the final products obtained during electrolysis.

Why do the different types of volcanoes have different shapes to them?

Because sometimes they have explosions and change shape.

Can typhoon tokage be predicted?

Yes, typhoon Tokage, like other typhoons, can be predicted to some extent. Meteorologists use advanced technology and modeling techniques to track the formation and movement of typhoons. However, predicting their exact path and intensity is still challenging due to the complex nature of tropical weather systems.

How do you detect corrosion?

Corrosion can be detected through visible signs such as rust, discoloration, or pitting on the surface of the metal. Other methods include using techniques like ultrasonic testing, radiography, or electromagnetic testing to assess the extent of corrosion in materials. Regular inspections and monitoring can help in early detection and prevention of corrosion.

Why do you sometimes hear thunder at about the same time of lightning?

you are probably hearing the thunder from a different lightning strike.

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How much waxing do you need to do in order for the hair to permanently stop growing?

Different bodies react differently to waxing. Every time you wax, you hope to ruin the follicle in which the hair is growing from; inhibiting it from being able to grow another hair. Sometimes the hair never grows back, and sometimes it goes into a dormant stage for a few years (very common w laser removal). But neither waxing or laser treatments guarantee permanent results! Only Electrolysis does.

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Rocks can have different colored specks and markings due to the presence of various minerals within them. These minerals can form under different conditions and can give the rocks their distinct colors and patterns. Factors such as the composition of the original rock, the presence of other elements, and the pressure and temperature conditions during formation all play a role in determining the appearance of rocks.