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This is biological magnification; the concentration of poison in the environment gets higher and higher as it goes up the food chain. The poisons are kept in the bodies of the animals that eat them. They are not broken down or eliminated. So a predator that is higher up the chain gets a lot of the poison from its food.

-Shawney M.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Animals at the top of the food chain are at a greater risk from poisons in the environment because toxins accumulate in their bodies over time through a process called bioaccumulation. As these animals consume prey that have been exposed to toxins, the toxins become more concentrated in their bodies, leading to potential health issues or even death. Additionally, because these top predators have fewer natural enemies, they may have less pressure to evolve mechanisms to detoxify these substances.

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14y ago

If you assume that 1 gram of a harmful chemical went on each plant in an area and assume that a rabbit eats 10 plants then the rabbit has consumed 10 grams of the harmful chemical. If a fox then eats 10 rabbits it has then consumed 100 grams of the harmful chemical and this dosage is likely to be more harmful then the small doses which the rabbits consumed, particularly if it has a cumulative effect and remains in the body. So if the fox ate 10 rabbits a day it might have 3000 grams of the chemical in its system after a month.

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14y ago

Many insects are killed by poisons. Many others are simply made weak. The weak insects are easy for their predators to catch. As their predators catch insects full of toxins, the toxins build up in their blood. Their predators could be a spider less affected by the toxin. As their predators catch the weakened insects, they become sick, it becomes easier for their predators to catch them. The predator could be a small bird. As the toxin builds up in it, it acts sicker and easier to catch. This keeps happening until a hawk or eagle ends the build up. Each time, the smaller animal is eaten, the smaller animal is digested. it is turned into energy and building blocks for the larger animal. The poison is not digested but is simply stored in the tissues of the larger animal.

For that reason humans are not fit for human consumption.

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13y ago

cuz they eat mills of food contain DDT and they survive longer which is not good.

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Q: Explain why animals at the top of the food chain are particularly at a risk from poisinous in the environment?
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