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A change in extracellular sodium concentration would not alter the resting membrane potential of a neuron because the resting potential is primarily determined by the relative concentrations of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the cell, as mediated by the sodium-potassium pump and leak channels. Changes in extracellular sodium concentration would not directly affect this equilibrium.

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Q: Explain why a change in extracellular sodium did not alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron?
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Not much. Changing the extracellular chloride changes the level inside the cell so they will be in equilibrium again. The chloride ion plays little role in resting potential.

What about a cell's resting membrane potential is FALSE?

A false statement about a cell's resting membrane potential could be that it does not involve the movement of ions across the cell membrane. In reality, the resting membrane potential is primarily due to the unequal distribution of ions, such as sodium and potassium, across the membrane, maintained by ion channels and pumps.

Electrical charge resulting from the difference between positive and negative ions outside and inside the brain cell membrane is called?

This electrical charge is called the resting membrane potential. It is generated by the unequal distribution of ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium inside and outside the cell. The resting membrane potential plays a crucial role in cell communication and proper functioning of the nervous system.

Term that refers to a membrane potential of about -70 mv?

Resting membrane potential is typically around -70mV and is maintained by the activity of ion channels that allow for the passive movement of ions across the cell membrane.

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The resting membrane potential of a neuron is about?


During an action potential hyperpolarization beyond more negative to the resting membrane potential is primarily due to?

Potential hyperpolarization are more negative to the resting membrane potential because of voltage. This is taught in biology.

If a resting potential becomes more negative what happens to the cell?

If the resting potential becomes more negative, the cell becomes hyperpolarized. This means that the inside of the cell is more negative compared to the outside, making it less likely for the cell to depolarize and generate an action potential. Hyperpolarization can prevent the cell from firing action potentials.

The role of the sodium potassium pump in maintaining a cells resting membrane potential?

The sodium-potassium pump helps maintain the resting membrane potential by actively pumping sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell against their concentration gradients. This creates an electrochemical gradient that contributes to the negative resting membrane potential inside the cell. The pump is crucial for regulating cell volume, establishing the resting membrane potential, and supporting the action potentials required for cellular communication.

What is the charge on the inside membrane during the resting membrane potential?

The inside membrane is negatively charged during the resting membrane potential, typically around -70mV. This is due to the uneven distribution of ions across the cell membrane, with more negatively charged ions inside the cell compared to outside.

Through the membrane of a resting neuron highly permeable to potassium ions its membrane potential does not exactly match the equilibrium potential for potassium because the neuronal membrane is?

The neuronal membrane also has ion channels for other ions besides potassium, such as sodium or chloride, that can influence the resting membrane potential. These other ions contribute to the overall equilibrium potential of the neuron, which affects its resting membrane potential. Additionally, the activity of Na+/K+ pumps helps establish and maintain the resting membrane potential, contributing to the slight difference from the potassium equilibrium potential.

What are the positions of ions at resting potential?

Sodium is mostly concentrated in the extracellular space, and potassium in the cytoplasm.