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A scientific law is a generalization from a series of multiple observations. For example, the law of gravity postulates that objects that have mass are attracted to each other.

A scientific theory is the mechanism that explains a law. For example, the particle theory of light explains why light can travel through a vacuum.

N.B. One of the most commonly miscatergorizes laws is the law of evolution (it's often called the theory of evolution). Evolution is a scientific law stating that organisms change into different species over several generations.

Darwins theory of natural selection is the theory explaining this law. Natural selection postulates that evolution happens because certain organisms are better adapted to their environment than others, thereby being more likely to pass on such traits to their offspring.

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4mo ago

A scientific theory is an explanation of natural phenomena supported by evidence and validated through observation and experimentation, such as the theory of evolution. A scientific law is a statement that describes a consistent pattern found in nature, like the law of gravity. The main difference is that a theory explains why something happens, while a law describes what happens.

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12y ago

Fact - Something that has been proven through direct observation and experiment.

Law - Something that has been proven scientifically and is codified as being a consistent results or fact.

Theory: Believed to be a law or fact, it is usually the results of observation of many experiments and is an hypothosis that is yet to be proven as a law.

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14y ago

A scientific theory is something that a scientist suggests is true because of a hypothesis that he or she has made. For instance, I believe that when I throw an apple into the air, it will fall down. I believe this because I have seen it happen and I make a couple of experiments.

A law is something that has been proven over and over again and for all intents and purposes it is considered a fact until proven wrong. Again using the example, scientists all over the world begin throwing apples into the air with the same result. This is now called the Law of Gravity.

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12y ago

A hypothesis is a guess of what might happen in the future. A theory is the explanation on hoe something works based evidence you already have. A law explains how things work.
A hypothesis is an educated guess. Essentially, it's what you think will happen if a condition is met or created. It is written as "if x happens, then y will happen". A hypothesis is used as part of the scientific method to explain what you are trying to prove, and data can be used from the experiment to either disprove or prove your hypothesis.

A law is something that is proven to be true, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Existing laws include the Law of Gravity, or the Law of Conservation of Energy(that energy cannot be created or destroyed).

A theory is essentially a hypothesis backed by lots and lots of evidence. A theory is something that is thought of to be true, but has not been proven true beyond a shadow of a doubt. You can think of it as almost a law, but just not quite at that point yet.

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8y ago

A hypothesis is a formalized thought ... "I think this might be true". A theory is a hypothesis which has been tested (against reality) and seems to be true. A "law" is just a short-hand description of a theory (usually a simple mathematical equation).

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8y ago

A law may be a validated and generally accepted theory.

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4y ago

Theories unify a broad range of observations and hypotheses.

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