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9mo ago

Passive humoral immunity is the transfer of pre-formed antibodies from one individual to another. This can occur naturally, such as when a newborn receives antibodies from their mother through breastfeeding, or artificially through the administration of antibody-containing products like immunoglobulin injections. Passive immunity provides immediate protection but is temporary because the transferred antibodies eventually degrade in the recipient's body.

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Is the mothers breastfeeding milk - an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

D. Active natural immunity. Breastfeeding provides infants with natural antibodies from the mother's milk, which helps to protect the baby through active immunity.

Is the mothers breastfeeding milk an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

The mother's breast milk provides passive natural immunity to the baby. This means that the baby receives antibodies from the mother through the breast milk, offering temporary immunity protection until the baby's immune system is more developed.

How is active immunity similar to passive immunity?

Both active and passive immunity provide protection against specific pathogens. Active immunity is developed by the body after exposure to a pathogen or through vaccination, while passive immunity is acquired through the transfer of pre-formed antibodies from another source. Both types of immunity are specific to the pathogen encountered or targeted by the antibodies.

Compare and contrast active and passive immunity and give a rea life example?

Active immunity is produced by the body's immune system in response to exposure to a pathogen or vaccine, leading to the production of memory cells for long-term protection. Passive immunity is acquired from an external source such as mother to infant transfer of antibodies or through medical intervention, providing immediate but short-lived protection as it does not generate memory cells. A real-life example is receiving a vaccination (active immunity) to develop immunity to a specific disease compared to receiving pre-formed antibodies through a blood transfusion (passive immunity) for immediate but temporary protection.

Passive immunity is different from active immunity because passive immunity?

is temporary and does not involve the individual’s immune system producing antibodies. Instead, passive immunity provides ready-made antibodies obtained from another source, such as through injection of antibodies or transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus.

Related questions

How do you obtain passive immunity?

Passive immunity is the transfer of active humoral immunity in the form of readymade antibodies, from one individual to another. Passiveimmunity can occur naturally, when maternal antibodies are transferred to the fetus through the placenta, and can also be induced artificially, when high levels of human (or horse) antibodies specific for a pathogen or toxin are transferred to non-immune individuals. Passive immunization is used when there is a high risk of infection and insufficient time for the body to develop its own immune response, or to reduce the symptoms of ongoing or immunosuppressive diseases.

How do you acquire passive immunity?

You can get passive immunity through a placenta when you are a fetus in your mothers womb or you can be injected with antibodies that have most likely been forced to grow due to somebody putting a disease in an animal such as a rabbit. Unfortunately passive immunity does not last very long because the antibodies are detached from their white blood cells which keeps them a live and also stores the antibodies in their memory so you can not become immune forever via passive immunity as it is only passive e.g. short lived/quick

Why are memory cells not produced in passive immunity?

Memory cells are not produced in passive immunity because passive immunity involves the transfer of pre-formed antibodies, either naturally (e.g., from mother to fetus) or artificially (e.g., through administration of antibodies). Since memory cells are generated through exposure to antigens, which triggers an immune response and the formation of memory cells, passive immunity does not involve this process.

What is the source of passive immunity?

Passive immunity can be given naturaly or artificially.Natural Passive Immunity can be acquired from the maternal colustrum and maternal placenta.While artificial passive immunity is given parenteraly examples are: anti tetanus serum and antivenin.

What is specific immunity?

specificity the quality of having a certain action, as of affecting only certain organisms or tissues, or reacting only with certain substances, as antibodies with certain antigens (antigen specificity).

What specific type of acquired immunity that a fetus obtains from maternal antibodies that cross the placenta is called?

Passive immunity because the antibodies pass from mother to fetus.

Is antivenom passive or active immunity?


What is passive immunity and active immunity?

active immunity is the immunity that is stimulated internally as a a result of antibodies entering the body. Passive is stimulated by substances from an external source

What is the type of immune serum used to provide passive immunity to botulism passive immunity?


What are the types of immunity?

The three types of immunity is innate immunity, adaptive immunity, and passive immunity.

What is an example of passive immunity?

Passive immunity happens when the antibody is already given to you. For example, the antibody that can be passed from mother to child. That is a natural passive immunity. The vaccine given to you when had rabies is also an example of passive immunity because again, what is given to you is already an antibody.

What are two kinds of immunity?

active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity