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Climax community is the final stage of succession. It is where you have a stable community of all the different organisms that live together in a state of balance until a Natural disturbance happens and the whole succession starts over again.

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Q: Explain how the establishment of a climax community through primary succession differs from a climax community through secondary succession?
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What best explain s the natural cause of a decrease in biomass as succession peaks in a climax community?

The decrease in biomass at this stage of succession occurs because the plants or animals have reached equilibrium and exist in balance with eachother and the environment. Therefore the decrease in biomass at the climax community stage occurs because organic material released into the soil is not at as a rapid process as before.

Explain why plants do not occur in the succession of a whale-fall community as they do in land-ecosystem succession?

Whale Fall Community The metabolic capabilities of terrestrial and marine microbial communities were compared using largely unassembled sequence data obtained by shotgun sequencing DNA isolated from whale fall and soil.

How the variations contribute to the diversity of the community?

explain how the variation contrib ute to the diversity of the community

Definition of ecological succession?

Ecological succession is the gradual process by which ecosystems undergo a series of changes in plant and animal species, leading to the establishment of a stable and self-sustaining community over time. It typically occurs in stages, starting with pioneer species that colonize barren areas and culminating in a mature, climax community.

How does rural and urban planning affects ecological succession?

Rural and urban planning can influence ecological succession by determining land use patterns, the presence of infrastructure, and human activities. In rural areas, zoning regulations and development decisions can impact natural habitat conservation and fragmentation, affecting the progress of succession. In urban areas, construction, pollution, and habitat destruction can disrupt ecological succession processes, leading to altered species composition and diversity.

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Which takes longer primary succession or secondary succession Explain?

Primary succession typically takes longer than secondary succession because it involves the gradual development of ecosystems on bare rock or soil where no organisms were previously present. Secondary succession occurs on already established ecosystems after a disturbance, allowing for a quicker regeneration of plant and animal communities.

What best explain s the natural cause of a decrease in biomass as succession peaks in a climax community?

The decrease in biomass at this stage of succession occurs because the plants or animals have reached equilibrium and exist in balance with eachother and the environment. Therefore the decrease in biomass at the climax community stage occurs because organic material released into the soil is not at as a rapid process as before.

Explain why plants do not occur in the succession of a whale-fall community as they do in land-ecosystem succession?

Whale Fall Community The metabolic capabilities of terrestrial and marine microbial communities were compared using largely unassembled sequence data obtained by shotgun sequencing DNA isolated from whale fall and soil.

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Definition of ecological succession?

Ecological succession is the gradual process by which ecosystems undergo a series of changes in plant and animal species, leading to the establishment of a stable and self-sustaining community over time. It typically occurs in stages, starting with pioneer species that colonize barren areas and culminating in a mature, climax community.

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